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All I've chanted in my head since my conversation with Rowan is, "I can do this." Now, it may seem a bit extreme... But standing up against a company that killed your father and has thousands of trained assassins inside is a bit scary. Now, if I'm being one hundred percent honest, "A bit" is an understatement. It's scary. It's horrifying, even. I feel like I could die at any given moment, and if they wanted me to, I totally would.

Some people might think I'm a wimp, but I'd like to see you in my place. Especially now, where I'm hanging in a training room with my mother.

"COME ON, AMARA!" My mother calls to me, her smile wide.

The cold air brushes against my sweating body as I climb the long rope attached to the ceiling, the white tank-top I'm wearing completely stained with gun powder and rope dust. I cough violently, almost losing my grip.

My mom squeals as I fall part-way down the rope before my hand reaches up and catches it right before it slips through my fingers. "Shit." I mumble, huffing.

I look down and smile at my mom, who lets out an anxious breath. "Keep going, sweetie!" She claps.

I reach back up and climb the rope effortlessly, almost reaching it to the top, before Rowan storms into the room. Him walking in completely catches me off guard, and I let go of the rope.

I start to go falling down, screaming loudly as I reach for any part of the rope to grab onto. I'm around fifty feet in the air, and my chest tightens as fear eushes through me. For what seems like forever, I fall. And before I can react, two strong arms grab onto me before I hit the floor.

I thud into whoever it is, and my mom comes rushing to my side. "Amara! Sweetie! It's okay, you're okay."

I begin to have a panic attack, and I still don't even know who holds me in their arms. Whoever it is pushes me away and to my mom, but as I look behind my mom, there stands a very anxious and shaken Rowan. I mean, yeah. Whoever caught me was obviously stronger than Rowan, but who was it then?

I calm down slightly as my mom holds me, and Rowan pulls me into a hug. "I'm so sorry, Amara. I didn't mean to."

I laugh a little, "I'm fine, Rowan.. I think we should be worried about whoever caught me." I smile at him, finally turning around.

As soon as I turn, I'm met with basically an identical copy of Rowan. He has short blonde hair and icy blue eyes, along with an all black outfit. He laughs anxiously and dusts off his shirt, but before he can say anything, I'm already squealing excitedly. "Oh my goshhhh!!!"

His eyes widen, and he looks behind me at Rowan. "Uhm, hi. Rowan has told me lots." He smiles.

My smile only grows, and I stand up to shake his hand. "Hi! I'm Amara. And you must be, the one and only Liance Volor!!" I smile brightly.

Rowan taps my shoulder, "See what I mean by we look the same? Liance is the pretty brother, though."

I nod furiously, staring at the pretty much identical boys. "You have no idea how cool it is to have you here. Sorry for my first impression as well. That's honestly so embarrassing." I shake my head shamefully, my face becoming bright with embarrassment.

Liance only chuckles, "All good. Why are you so excited to see me, though?"

"Because you like, are super cool! You've protected Percy like your whole life, and you're so so sweet to her. Love at its finest! And by the way, speaking of love. You should know your brother definitely has a crush on a guard named At.."

Rowan cuts me off, nudging me. "What she meant was one of her friends has a crush on a guard named Atlas. Obviously." He lies.

Liance eyes Rowan and I down, laughing. "I mean, okay. Whatever floats your boat."

I smile, elbowing Rowan in the side. During the time Rowan and I have known each other, I've gotten closer to him than Darius. He remembers stuff about me, and our friendship isn't only about gossip and fighting. Like, he actually cares about how I feel.

And as for Fawn, her and I sneak kisses in the janitor's closet, and we cuddle every night. I think she might ask me out soon, but I think she might wait until we escape and destroy the place.

I'm honestly thankful for everyone I have, even if I'm still not even done yet. The door swings open, and Hunter comes striding through happily. "Oh! Hi, Amara!" He smiles brightly.

I smile, "Hi, Hunter!" I pull him into a hug, and he giggles.

I think I'm happy.

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a/n: Im burnt OUT. anyways heres a short chap :)


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