"When the Music's Over"

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"Are you really, REALLY sure? Seriously, I mean-"

Mostima's unnaturally worried voice was cut off by a herd of packed burdenbeasts being hurried off the streets by a group of armed sankta. Stationed all around the monastery, the famed Pontifica Cohors Lateran had an inland base of operations inside. A place where many gathered to enlist.

"... Yeah, I'm sure. Hundred percent. Besides, it's just a year of service, then they send you back home. With your pockets full, too."

"They only send you back if you survive. Corpses stay."

Andy scoffed and nonchalantly flicked his hand.

"C'mon, why wouldn't I? They keep saying on the radio that it’s just simple peacekeeping. Minimal casualties."

"And you honestly believe that?"

He tilted his head, thinking her words through. He had no reason not to believe the words of the Lawful.

"Yeah. Yeah, I've already decided, I'm going."

With an exasperated click of her tongue, she turned to Lemuel, who had her eyes glued to a poster of a gun knight, adorning the monastery's wall.

"Lem? You gonna do anything? Seriously, talk some sense into this moron, I swear..."

The redhead finally laid her eyes off the gun wielding combatant and spoke up.

"... I'm fine with it."

Everything turned to silence.



"Yeah, I'm fine with it. If Andy wants to serve the Law, then... Then that's fine by me."

She gave him a toothy grin.

"Besides, I think it's really cool! I'd go with you, but my mom would kill me."

Andy smiled back at her. Seems like she understood him. At least partially. His reasoning for wanting to join the fight wasn't nearly as religious as she thought it was.

"Thanks, Lem."

Mostima kept glancing between the two, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Are you joking? You're encouraging him?"

"Mhm. As long as he sends me a postcard from Kazdel."

Andy and Lem exchanged a quick chuckle.

"No, but it's... It's not... Sightseeing, it's a war, you morons, it's..."

She went silent for a moment, desperation fading into helplessness. It took her a second or two before she gathered herself enough to look at Andy, again.

"... Fine, It's your choice. I’m just hoping they don’t let you pass recruitment."

She flinched as he gave her a calming pat on the shoulder, content that she's finally given up her constant yapping. She's been like this the entire week. He could feel the ever growing frustration through her halo.

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