"A Fine Day to Die"

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He fell to the ground, gasping for air and holding onto his nose. A trickle of blood was already making its way down his chin, staining the snow and his dirty uniform. His mind was in a daze, his halo kept flickering, his hands couldn’t reach the rifle. As he kept crawling on his back, away from the mountain of muscle towering over him, he heard the bolt of his gun being pulled back and forth.

“Oops! Oh, that ejects it!”

A girlish giggle followed, as Gin leaned down to pick up the bullet. Andy kept spitting out blood and clutching his jaw, which felt unnaturally loose. Another haymaker rained down upon the poor kid, almost knocking the daylights out of him.

“Wait, wait, Shine, wait. Give him a moment.”

Gin took his time approaching the two, while holding Andy’s rifle in his hands with childish joy glimmering in his bright eyes. The giant grasped the battered boy’s collar and shoved him even further into the snow, raising one arm behind his back in anticipation of yet another punch. Yet his eyes seemed troubled, giving the boy a silly, apologetic grin.

“P-Please… Don’t d-do this, pl-...”

The "leader" shushed him down and tapped Shine on the shoulder.

“Shh. You know how long I’ve waited to get my hands on this rifle? A whole day! Doesn’t matter though, I'm a man of patience."

He checked the chamber, once again pulling the bolt too far back, making the bullet fly out into the snow.

“Gods! This is what I mean, see, Shine?”

He nodded his massive head and turned towards the “leader”

“What do you mean?”

“What? This! See? You put just a little strength into pulling this thing and the ammo flies out… See, I saw a few movies where they kept pulling this part and it never ejected anything.”

“Ah… I don’t get it.”

Gin sighed in light exasperation and turned towards the boy, who kept desperately trying to wiggle out of the giant’s grasp.

“Ricketts! Do me one last favor, will you? How do you operate this thing?”

His mind went blank, both at being called by the sergeant's surname and the unexpected question.


“How. Do. You. Shoot. This. Thing.”

He repeated, very slowly, making sure the boy understood him this time. Despite the dire situation, Gin didn’t seem bothered at all, as if it was a completely normal and natural occurrence.

“I… I’m not telling you!”

“Oh, come on! I paid for your dinner yesterday! And the drinks…”

“Y-You’re… You’re trying to fucking kill me!”

His halo flickered as the swear word left his mouth.

“So what? You’re dead anyway, why can’t you just tell me how this thing works?”

Andy’s eyes widened at the pure absurdity of his current situation. He never imagined he’d be going out like THIS, with a bunch of ragtag clowns as his executioners.

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