"When I First Get to Phoenix"

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Scratchy, scratchy, scratchy…

There we go. Finally done with this goddamn pen, barely any ink left. Been like this for a few weeks now, hah. Just running on spit and hopeful dreams.

Should be a nice read. Not too accusatory, not too sappy. Just the perfect amount of desperation, some despair sprinkled in to tug at their heartstrings. 

Ah, who am I kidding. It's terrible.

Doesn't matter though. It's good enough. Now, for the actual important matters, where did I leave that… Ah, there it is. The strongest alcohol money can buy, ha! Wonder if I should take a whiff, see if this stuff's actually…

Oh. Ew.

… Goodness, it is. I can already feel my throat burning.


Now, to lock the house after I leave… Or, let me think. Should I? Ah, hell. Let's make their job a little easier in the long run, leave the key under the doormat.

Mmmm… Morning, miss Bieri. Morning, mister Oertli. Nice day, huh? Perfect for a little walk around the city.

This place… What did he use to call it? A “cinnamon” shop? Huh. I can kind of see it. 

Down the street, wonder if that gelato place’s still open. Remember, honey? That's where we met. Or was it the one on Faber Avenue? Huh… I can't really tell. I know, I know, my memory's a bit cloudy, pardon me.

Let's see… That way to the Notarial Hall… That way to Michelangelo University. Wanna see it one last time? It's a bit of a walk, I don't know…

Ah, whatever. In another life.

Tap, tap, tap.

Hear how the bells ring out, sweetie?

How the angelic choirs sing?

You used to hate those annoying moans, I know. But you have to admit, they've never sounded quite as beautiful as they do right now, haven't they?

Ah, these streets. Too early for them to be bustling with life, is it? Can't even hear the chirping of those newsboys at this hour.


How the creek flows. We used to spend hours by that little stream, remember? Before it got all covered with concrete, anyway.

Concrete and white paint, marbles and gold finishes.

That's all there is to this city, isn't it? A nice exterior, sure, but delve a bit deeper and…

… Ah, what am I even saying. Who am I kidding? I'm just being a sore loser again.

You see, darling? This little vicious cycle of self hatred and blaming everything else but myself got me in quite the doozy.

Good thing there's moments like these. Moments when I can sit back on this little bridge, look down at the creek… Maybe… Hehe, maybe flail my legs around like some brat. 

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