"Goodbye Blue Sky"

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“Carle! Bryner! Miesch! Droz! Reiff!”

Loud banging at the front door ensued.

“Fessler! Dettwiller! Eberly, you lazy bum!”

Bang, bang, bang!

“Out with you! Make me a straight line! Out! Out! One, two, out you go!”

Andy begrudgingly opened his eyes. Loud yawns and low grumblings filled their wooden hut as it slowly awakened from its sweet slumber. 

The door assaulting grew restless.

“I said, out with you! Make me repeat myself one more time and I'll tear your legs from your asses and shove them so far down your throats, you'll be shitting boots for the rest of your pathetic lives! You'll be begging for the Law to save you from my wrath, you maggots!”

The company was slowly gathering themselves and shaking off the night's embrace. 

“... What a goddamn nuisance…”

He grabbed the shoes at the side of his bunk and protractedly put them on. Sounds of sheets being moved around and a few curses flew from the top bed, as Andy struggled to tie his seemingly infinite laces. A pair of legs swung over the side, then the rest of his friend's plump figure dropped down from above, landing hard on his heavy shoes.

“Need me to tie that for you?”

“Oh, piss off.”

He mumbled back to the fatso, still half asleep.

“No need to be so pissy, Drewie…”

The giant took a seat by his side, rubbing his eyes to keep himself awake.

“You know, I get it. Partly. I don't get how you can still have troubles tying your shoes at fourteen, but…”

“And I don't get how you can't jog for more than five minutes at sixteen.”

Droz gave him a look and chuckled.

“Anyway. But I get why you'd be so grumpy. I would, too, if I had a face like that.”

Andy couldn't help but smile and chuckle along. The two quickly threw on their heavy winter coats and hats, matching the rest of their gray uniforms, before stepping outside. Such a windy morning. A real snowstorm, claiming the lives of a few windsocks scattered all around the outpost. The cool, sharp air immediately assaulted their faces, biting into their eyes and nostrils. There was pure cold pouring down from the heavens, as the sun hadn't yet risen, hiding behind a swarm of gray clouds. Some of the other boys had already been trying to form a line in front of their platoon lieutenant, tripping over their feet on the icy surface.

“... You see Isaiah anywhere?”

“Nuffer? Probably getting kicked around his tent or something.”

Andy's brows furrowed as he kept looking out for their lone, liberi friend.

A group of loudmouthed marksmen from the “grown ups” division spilled from another hut, immediately forming a neat, clean line. Andy and Droz joined the formation, scanning for their buddy’s shaggy feathers.

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