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Snuggled up together, two wicked souls laid under a grand pine atop a blooming hill, covered by an ocean of bright colors - flowers coming to life after the cold season. Despite the passing of winter, the weather remained freezing in the northeastern Kazdelian wildlands, causing their breaths to condense into tiny droplets of water, turning to a gentle fog. 

“... How much longer?”

“You’re asking me?”

“Right. You don’t see them coming or anything…?”


“Pfft… We should’ve just done this my way from the beginning. Wouldn’t be sitting out here in the cold.”

“We’ve been doing things your way for the past three months.”


“And? And we had a brush with death every single day, moron.”

“Hey, don’t call me a moron, Lawie. Don’t forget who’s the leader here. And don’t forget we’re sitting at the edge of a very steep cliff and that I’m stronger than you. Y’know, would be a shame if I just-...”

“Shhh! Shut up, they’re here.”

Approaching from the east, down in the pristine valley below, was a pair of figures; one large and tall, carrying the other, small and weak. The carried, with hair long and luscious, the carrying, with a head shaven clean. Covered in bandages and bruises, dragging behind a single sword, resting in its sheath and wildly swinging from a leather strap. The tall figure’s stride was fast, hurriedly skipping through the endless meadows of green and worriedly whispering words of comfort to their companion, resting their wounded head against the colossus’ chest. Atop the hill, W couldn’t help but yawn.

“Alright, that’s them, I reckon. Shoot ‘em.”

Andy scoffed and turned from his rifle’s scope, giving the bored man an annoyed glare.

“It’s not as easy as “shoot ‘em, Lawie, scalp ‘em Lawboy, bring me half the bounty.” I need them to get into position.”

He sighed in exasperation and crawled away from the boy, grabbing a pair of binoculars. 

“I thought this grand plan of yours was supposed to be easier than my way of doing things.”

“‘Cause it is, moron. I just need them to pass that creek down there.”

“Creek? Why, you want them to have a nice last view?”

“No! So I can get a clean shot, shit for brains.”

W smacked him across the head. Andy returned the favor by kicking the merc in the shin, as hard as he could.

“Oh, that does it.”

A few seconds later, W was already on top, straddling the poor boy and pressing his face into the cold, hard ground with the sole of his combat boot. Andy let out a few yelps of pain and desperately tried reaching for a knife or Nuffer, to no avail. The merc twisted his arm back, sending spirals of pain through his entire nervous system.

“Alright, f-... Stop, I get it! Stop, for Law’s sake…”

“Say “Sorry”, Lawboy.”

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