"Oh Comely"

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A piece of heaven had once been carved upon this lifeless rock floating through the endless abyss. A small glimmer of green, a tiny dot on the map, growing ever so large.

Then, came the tests of time. 

Oceans pouring from the sky, mountains piercing the soft earth and staining the serene plains - rains of ice, conquests of grand continental glaciers.

The many people who tried to tame these lands either failed or were wiped clean off by the ones who wanted them to bow not to Mother Nature herself, but to their authority. 

The otherworldly invasions. A thousand year long battle. A sky of bright lights and algorithms - the false vision of a beauty once lost.

These lands cowered in fear, only for the endless winters to envelop them in their loving embrace. To calm the worried mind, protect from any and all that tried to harm the remnants of these plains once so bright.

Dead, everything utterly dead.

Frozen wastes, void of life or mercy. Pristine, untouched and untamed.

And yet, again came the wary travelers, the watchers, keepers of peace. They respected the land, wishing for its boundless longevity and prosperity.

They came not to harm Mother Nature’s creation, but to protect.

And as they sat, gathered in a hut of wood and rock, a gentle song rang out through the calm, obedient seas of snow - A song to soothe one’s mind. To put the worried head to rest.

“Oooh, comely…

I will be with you when you lose your breath,

Chasing the only,

Meaningful memory you thought you had left, with some pretty bright and bubbly,

Terrible scene that was doing her thing on your chest,

But, Ooh, comely…

It isn’t as pretty as you’d like to guess,

In your memory you’re drunk on your awe to me,

It doesn’t mean anything at all…”

The timid bard’s instrument grew silent as the last of their joined vocals resonated in the warm cabin’s air. A glimmer of sunshine escaped from outside and found its way into the feather-haired boy’s eyes. His fingers, nothing shy of a set of a maestro’s tools, slid along the strings, to eventually rest in his lap. He gave a shy smile to the tiny audience.

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