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HER BOOTS THUDED AGAINST  the hard ground, aligning with the beat of her hearts as she made her way to the painted table where her family had stood

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HER BOOTS THUDED AGAINST the hard ground, aligning with the beat of her hearts as she made her way to the painted table where her family had stood. Aelora stopped and sighed simply as everyone waited to hear her talk about the visit of King's Landing.

"Aemond..has betrayed us." Was the only thing she could speak out, barely. Her heart was hurt knowing the man that she loved the most is now going to be her biggest enemy,

"That son of a whore.." Daemon scoffed with a dark chuckle as he shook his head, not shocked but surprised by the stupidity of the prince. "How?" Rhaenyra finally asked.

Aelora took a breath and rested her hands on the painted table, "Aemond was supposed to leave and return with Princess Helaena. He was standing...beside Alicent on the balcony when I had made my visit." She spoke, not daring to make any eye contact as she kept her glance forward. Jacaerys noticed the pain and could feel how shattered his sister's heart must be. First, she lost a brother and now she was betrayed by her lover.

Jacaerys placed his palm on top of her hand and gave it a light squeeze, "We now have one less war dragon, that could only mean one thing." Daemon started, bringing everyone's attention as Aelora knew what he wanted to say, "We must get one more." He spoke upon noticing the confused looks on his wife.

Rhaenyra slowly glanced to Aelora and she lowered her head, "We have Vermithor and Cannibal.." She argued in a low tone. "Yes, but now they have Vhagar, the biggest war dragon!" Daemon stated angrily. Aelora snapped her head towards him, "They might have Vhagar, but she won't hurt Vermithor. Just as her rider won't hurt me.."

"He betrayed you, hasn't he? What makes you so damn sure that he will not burn you alive-" Daemon said, his words being like a dagger cutting right through Aelora's heart,

"Because he can't!" Aelora cut him off and shouted. Rhaenyra and Jacaerys both glanced to her confusingly, waiting for an explanation. "When I was on Dragonmount, the volcano was still active as so was his burning steam..I felt no heat nor pain by standing next to it. I thought it was impossible," Aelora walked over to the fireplace and crouched down to the side, letting everyone see.

"It cannot be.." Rhaenyra mumbled as Aelora exchanged glances with the fire that cracked up the wood inside. She slowly lifted her hand and placed it above the cracked wood as Jacaerys quickly rushed to her. "Are you mad?!" He shouted angrily as he grabbed his sister's palm only for his eyes to widen at the sight. Aelora was unhurt by the fire.

The two siblings slowly stand up and turn to their parents,   "They might have Vhagar, Sunfyre and Dreamfyre..but we have Syrax, Caraxes, Vermax, Vermithor and Cannibal. In dragons, they are outnumbered.." Aelora stated. "And we have you," Daemon added as he stepped to his daughter. "The Dragon that fire cannot harm.."

"Dragons are intelligent, confident and powerful beasts. But, one slip up and they could lose their mind. What's the saying, father? Every time a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin?" Aelora waited for her father's answer and cocked her eyebrow as she only received silence from him.

"The gods keep flipping my coin and the Greens can only pray that it doesn't land on the wrong side." Aelora spoke in a calm but threatening tone before exiting the room.


The Greens were having a council meeting as Aemond silently sat next to his brother, tapping his index finger against the table; lost in his thoughts. He was worried. Worried for Aelora.

"Aemond!"Alicent shouted after multiple calls for his son. Aemond placed a last tap onto the table and glanced to Alicent who had sat in front of him, "Have you listened to any word we have spoken in this entire hour?" She questioned, leaning over the table.

Aemond lifted his chin and glanced around the room with a hum. Alicent noticed that her son has been lost in his own thoughts, "The most dangerous weapon the Blacks currently possess is the Cannibal and his rider." Otto repeated as Aemond noticed how they wouldn't speak of her name.

"I know what your plan is." The prince spoke, bringing everyone's attention. "You want to destroy them from the inside, starting with Luke..soon, you will get to her. So, tell me. What exactly do you wish to do with the princess?" Aemond cocked his eyebrow towards his grandsire, clearly interested by their plans.

"Aemond, she had threatened us-" Alicent started, "You're wrong...mother," Aemond turned his head to Alicent, interrupting her. "She had promised. I am asking you, what intentions do you have with Aelora?" Aemond questioned now in a demanding tone.

Alicent swallowed her saliva and lowered her head as Aemond stood up from his chair. "I had suggested for Aelora to be wed to me, but I know you wouldn't let it, brother." Aegon spoke, which was true. Aemond wouldn't have let any man to marry Aelora unless it was himself. But by the silence, the prince knew they were coming for Aelora next. Or Rhaenyra. His sister or his lover. Aemond had now regretted leaving her side, knowing if he returns, he wouldn't be able to take a step inside the halls before having his head cut off by Dark Sister.

"I suggest you all bend the knee, seeing that you won't be able to win this war. I am also advising you to do it quick, that is until Aelora will be crowned a queen." Aemond spoke in a matter of fact tone before exiting the room.

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