Chapter 1: The Princess & The Witch

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Today is the day. Dreaded by everyone except me, and Sophie I suppose. I'm ready to be taken away from this place.

Every four years, a ghost-like figure appears in Gavaldon and kidnaps two children, one good, one evil, never to be seen again. Then, every year, Mr. Deauville receives four new fairytales. Sometimes I can spot the missing children in the storybooks. This year, Agatha, Sophie and I had turned sixteen, which meant that we could get kidnapped by this mysterious 'School Master'.

I've been hearing the whispers, everyone thinks Sophie and Agatha are going to be kidnapped to this magical school never to be seen again. Sophie was a beautiful girl, always doing the right thing, going out of her way to help people, meant to be a princess, while Agatha was the towns scarecrow, always dressed in dark clothes and lives next to a cemetery, meant to be a witch. At least that's what everyone says.

I'm hoping it's me.
I still haven't found my parents, they're probably long gone by now. I can only remember bits and pieces of my life before this, but I still have no idea how I ended up here. I woke up in a strange place ten years ago, and never found my family. The only piece of my parents that I have left is my gold locket, shaped like a seashell. It looks big enough to open, but I've tried everything, went to every blacksmith and no one could open it. It's almost as if it's magic.

I've been living with Mr. Deauville all this time, he was kind enough to let me stay in his bookshop. No one else wanted to take me in. I was too old for anyone's liking, and everyone thought that if I was abandoned, it was for a good reason. I suppose no one would miss me if I was gone, I wouldn't really miss anyone either, well maybe Agatha.

"Today could be your last day in Gavaldon, Athena, or your friends last day. Don't waste it in here, I'm sure your daydreaming can wait."

"Of course, I should be heading out to see Agatha anyways. Everyone fears the School Master, why don't you?"

"But I do fear him, just like everyone else. I just believe some people are meant to live a greater life than this, and the School Master can make that happen. When I found you, ten years ago, I knew you were special. Now scurry along! You don't want to keep your friend waiting."

Mr. Deauville pushed me out the door, sending me on my way. He's always seen the kidnappings in a positive light.

Agatha lived next to the cemetery, in a humble home atop Graves Hill. It was quite the hike to get there, but I enjoyed every minute of it. As I made my way there, I noticed parents boarding up their homes, making their kids uglier by cutting up their hair and rubbing mud all over them. Some kids were nose deep in their storybooks, trying to find any sort of clue that could help them stay home.

As I approached my usual turn, I crossed paths with the blond-haired green eyed 'princess', Sophie.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I'm just going to see Agatha, like you I presume."

"Do you have to come here all the time? Agatha is MY good deed, not yours! The School Master is going to choose me, I'm going to be a princess, not you."

"Lovely as always! Maybe after tonight Agatha and I will finally have peace without you."

"Oh darling, Agatha is coming with me!"

"So what, Agatha is going to be your witch? You know, I'm actually here because I care for my friend. She's not some good deed that I have to fulfill to warm my shallow heart, unlike you."

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