Chapter 3: The Great Mistake

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I woke up, surrounded by red and yellow lilies that caressed my cheeks. They almost looked alive, maybe they were. Was I dreaming? I sat up and pinched myself- ow. Definitely not dreaming. I made my way up to my feet steadying myself trying to take it all in. I was here, this place is real and I'm here! I looked around to find no one else. I thought there would've been more princesses or something but I was alone. I touched my neck quickly and felt the cold touch of my necklace, I tucked it under my dress for safekeeping. Thank god I didn't lose it.

Before I could even look around, a swarm of fairies surrounded me and pushed me forward. In the distance, sweet bells rang out from the spectacular white and blue glass castle across the lake. The fairies grabbed my shoulders and hoisted me into the air, they flew me across the glittering lake towards the towers. I had never seen water that perfect.

When my feet finally touched the ground, they let go of my shoulders and let me walk freely forward. As I walked down the hall, a lady walked just slightly ahead, with a beehive of white hair, luminous skin and brown eyes. She wore a chartreuse high-necked dress speckled with iridescent green beetle wings. She turned around to look at me.

"I wasn't expecting another reader-" she looked shocked as she saw me.

"I'm sorry, you look very familiar-"

"Wait, you saw Sophie?"

"Oh god no! Sophie's a never my dear. But I believe your friend Agatha will be relieved to see you."


"Oh goodness, look at the time, you should make your way down the hall with the other girls."

She gave me a warm smile and walked away. I made my way down the crystal castle, mirrored words arched over the golden gates ahead:


I caught my reflection in the letters and saw I was smiling from ear to ear. Moving forward, I glanced up at the frosted castle doors, emblazoned with two white swans. But as the doors opened I saw more fairies that herded girls into a tight, mirrored corridor, the line came to a halt and I was the very last one. The girls ahead were looking back and I could hear their whispers.

"Another reader?"

"Why are there more of them?"

They stared at me for a moment in confusion. I noticed Agatha down the hall, she stuck out like a sore thumb, didn't she. As I walked up to Agatha, another girl was already talking to her.

"Hello, I'm Beatrix," she said sweetly. "I didn't catch your name."

"That's because I never said it," said Agatha, eyes pinned to the ground.

"Are you sure you're in the right place?" Beatrix said, even sweeter now.

Agatha felt a word swim into her mind—a word she needed, but was still too foggy to see.

"Um, I uh—"

"Perhaps you just swam to the wrong school," smiled Beatrix.

The word lit up in Agatha's head. Diversion.

Agatha looked up into Beatrix's dazzling eyes. "This is the School for Good, isn't it? The legendary school for beautiful and worthy girls destined to be princesses?"

"Oh," said Beatrix, lips pursed. "So you're not lost?"

"Or confused?" said another with Arabian skin and jet-black hair.

"Or blind?" said a third with deep ruby curls.

"Does she look lost to you?" I said cutting in.

"And who are you?" asked Beatrix.

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