Chapter 16: Trial Challenges

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"To win a Trial by Tale is one of the greatest honours at the School for Good and Evil," Pollux declared, head back next to Castor's on their massive dog's body. With the fifteen Forest Group leaders behind him, Pollux peered down at the students, gathered after breakfast in the Theater of Tales.

"Once a year, we send our best Evers or Nevers into the Blue Forest for a night to see who lasts until morning. To win, a student must survive both the School Master's death traps and the other side's attacks. The last Ever or Never standing at dawn is declared the winner and given five additional first-place ranks." Pollux raised his nose snootily. "As you know, Good has won the past two hundred Trials—"

Good burst into a chant of "EVERS RULE! EVERS RULE! EVERS—"

"ARE STUPID, ARROGANT FOOLS!" Castor boomed, and the Evers shut up.

"Now a week from today, each school will send its top Evers and Nevers into the Trial," Pollux sniffed. "But before we announce the competitors, let us briefly review the rules."

"According to the rules, there can be more than one winner of a Trial by Tale," said Pollux. "However, those who last until dawn must split the first-place ranks. Thus, it is in your interest to eliminate your competition. Naturally the School Master prefers a single winner and will conjure as many obstacles as he can to ensure it.

"For the rest of the week, all classes will be dedicated to preparing these 15 Evers and 15 Nevers for their night in the Blue Forest," the dog continued, as students twittered over who these would be. "In-class challenges will be restricted to these competitors only. Those with the worst scores for the week will enter the Trial first, while those with the best will enter significantly later. This is, of course, a tremendous advantage. The less time you spend in a Trial by Tale, the more chance you come out alive."

Students stopped talking.

Pollux realized what he said and forced a laugh.

"It's a figure of speech. No student dies in a Trial. How ludicrous."

Castor coughed. "But what about—"

"The competition is completely safe," Pollux said, smiling down at the children. "You will each have a flag of surrender. If you find yourself in mortal danger, drop it to the ground and you will be rescued unharmed from the Blue Forest. You will learn more about the rules in your various classes, but now I cede the floor to the Forest Group leaders, who will announce this season's Trial competitors."

A tiny lily nymph in a dress of emerald vines stepped forward.

"Representing the Evers, we have Reena, Tristan, Nicholas, Kiko, Giselle, Tedros... and finally, our top ranking Ever, Athena."

The whole theatre went quiet. I knew I would be in the Trial, but this made it all too real. Everyone was whispering now, looking at me.

"Now, representing the Nevers, we have Vex, Arachne, Anadil, Mona, Hester... and Sophie."

Sophie ran to Tedros.

"I know how to prove you're good." Tedros said.

"You do?"

"We fight with each other in the Trial, everyone will know you're Good if I protect you," Tedros said, "Only a true princess can earn a prince's shield."

"But- what about Athena?"


The fairies came and started dragging me out the door. They carried me all the way up to my dorm and slammed the door shut. I didn't have the chance to hear what Tedros was going to say.

Siren Song || Tedros x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें