Chapter 13: Sophie's a Princess

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Daylight flecked on my pillow, I stirred and saw Agatha awake, staring at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"I was just thinking about last night, I'm sorry Athena."

"It's okay Aggie. I understand how much you want to go home, it's not my place to stand in your way."

"I know you and Tedros are close, but for Sophie's sake, could you put in a good word for her. It doesn't have to be much, just enough for Sophie to have a chance."

"Really?" I snapped. "Look, I can try but I can't promise anything."

"Thank you," Agatha said.

"Of course." I sighed.

Every challenge this morning was all about Ball beauty, Ball etiquette, Ball entrances, Ball history, and so on. Every Evergirl bounded around the Clearing showing each other their invitations, each snowflake a different shape. Nearby Tedros shot marbles and ignored them entirely.

"Did you get your invitation?" asked Kiko.

"I did. I left it in my room though."

"You don't seem too excited, what's up?"

"There's just a lot going on, with Agatha and Sophie and all of that. No prince is going to want to go with me anyways."

"That's nonsense! I've seen the way Tedros looks at you, all of us girls do. Beatrix really wants him, but I think he's going to ask you."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Agatha waving at me, next to her was Sophie daydreaming. I left Kiko's side to join them.

"What if he asks me?" Sophie said.

"Sophie, he needs to kiss you now! Not take you to some stupid Ball!"

"Oh, Agatha, don't you know your fairy tales? If he takes me to the Ball, then he'll kiss me! Like Cinderella at midnight! Kisses always happen at the Ball! And by then my hair will have grown and I'll have fixed my shoes and—oh no, the gown! Can you steal some charmeuse from one of the girls? Some crepe de chine too. And tulle! Mountains of tulle! Preferably in pink, but I can always dye it, though tulle never looks quite right dyed. Perhaps we should go with chiffon, then. Much more manageable."

Agatha blinked, speechless.

"You're right, I should ask him first," Sophie said, leaping up. "No frowns, darling. It'll be easy as pie. You'll see! Princess Sophie at a Ball!"

"What are you—YOU'LL RUIN EVERYTHI—"

But Sophie had already flounced to the Evers' side, plopped next to Tedros, and held out her pail.

"Hello, handsome. Want some of my . . . feet?"

Tedros misfired his marble into Chaddick's eye. The entire Clearing went silent.

He turned to her. "Why are you here."

Sophie followed his eyes to me, I was looking down at my food.

"Athena told me I should come talk to you," Sophie sighed. "You were right, Tedros. Agatha and I are too close. That's why I left in the middle of class yesterday. To tell her it's time I make Good friends now. A princess can't be friends with a witch."

"I'm not interested."

Sophie coughed. "Do you remember when we first met, Tedros? It was in the Blue Forest. Nothing that happened after matters, not you choosing Athena or calling me a Never. What matters is what you felt at first sight. You wanted to rescue me, Tedros. And here I am."

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