Chapter 15: Pure Evil

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I woke up alone this morning. Agatha had really left. I still couldn't wrap my head around what happened yesterday. I was truly praying it was all some sort of nightmare, but as I headed to my door and turned its handle, I could hear doors shutting in the hall.

"She's awake, hide!!" some girl whispered.

I froze, everything really happened, it wasn't just a dream. I did the only thing I could do which was to get dressed and go down to breakfast. Maybe everyone would cool off in a couple days and we could put all of this behind?

I walked out of my room, and was met with furious Ever girls who looked like they hadn't slept at all.

"You put peas under our mattresses, seriously?" Millicent said.

"None of us got any sleep last night thanks to you." Beatrix snapped back.

Of course it wasn't me, I wanted to say something but I knew they wouldn't change their minds. As long as they could blame me, they would. Agatha walked out of her new dorm, I looked at her pleadingly hoping she would say something, defend me, but she wouldn't even meet my eyes. I turned around and walked to breakfast, not saying a word.

Down the Purity steps, I looked up and saw Tedros straight across at the bottom of the Valour steps. I met his eyes, I wanted to say something, I needed to say something but nothing came out. Tedros glowered at me as he turned down the hall to breakfast.

Classes today were no different than this morning. In each classroom, the princesses had rearranged the desks making sure none of them would have to sit next to the witch. And yet, as the title of Never had been given to me, I still managed to rank first in every challenge.

I entered the clearing for lunch just as Sophie sashayed into the Clearing, dumpy black sack refashioned into a strapless bodice dress. She cut her blond hair even shorter and slicked it down in a shiny bob. Her face was painted geisha white, her eyelids pink, her lips vermilion, and her glass shoes had not only been repaired but heeled even taller, which together with the extremely short dress, showed off long, creamy legs. From the shadows she swanned into sun, and light exploded off her glitter-dusted skin, bathing her in heavenly glow. Sophie strutted past Hester, who dropped her book, past Everboys, who dropped their ball, and glided right up to Tedros.

"Let's do lunch," she said, sweeping him away like a hostage.

What was Sophie up to?

I ate my lunch alone in a corner, Agatha sat with Kiko and the other Ever girls. I didn't belong anywhere anymore. The Evers hated me, and the Nevers despised me even more.

The next morning, something else had happened, and the morning after that, and the morning after that. The attacks got worse. After the peas, there were mice. After the mice there were wasps. This morning it was flooding.

Professor Dovey barged in my room before I had time to get dressed.

"Athena this is getting out of hand! I wanted to believe it wasn't you who was causing all this havoc but who else could it be!?"

I had never heard her so angry.

"Professor Dovey I swear it's not me! I don't know who's doing this or why. Please believe me!" her gaze softened but only for a half second.

"From here on out, you are confined to your room. The fairies will escort you from class to class, they will bring your food to your room. As much as the rest of the faculty would prefer you stay locked away in here, you are ranked first and the Trial by Tale is coming up shortly."

I nodded. Professor Dovey left and the fairies started mopping up the floor, trying to reduce any more damage that the water could create in the dorms.

Whispers were resounding in the hallway.
"She deserves worse."
"She's definitely cheating to get first ranks."
"Only the purest Evil can disguise itself as Good. And she's definitely pure Evil."

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