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Summary: you and Tobi waking up at night to your child crying.

Word count: 345!
Warnings: cutest one shot I've written.
A/n: written in 3rd person!

3rd person pov:

It was a peaceful night, with a gentle moon shining through the window.

But suddenly, the silence was broken by the sound of your little one's cries.

You, half asleep, quickly sit up in bed, your maternal instincts kicking in.

You rub the sleep from your eyes and swing your legs over the side of the bed, your feet searching for your slippers.

Tobi, still groggy, follows your lead, getting out of bed and trailing behind you as you made your way to the nursery.

The cries grow louder, and your pace quickens.

You push open the door, and a warm glow from the nightlight envelope you.

In the crib, your little bundle of joy was wailing away, tiny fists clench and face scrunch up in distress.

You scoop up the baby, cradling them in your arms, and begin to rock gently back and forth.

You start singing a soft, soothing melody, your voice a gentle hum that fills the room.

Tobi leans against the doorframe, watching the scene unfold with a warm smile spreading across his face.

He loves seeing his wife in mother mode, her love and care for your child shining like a beacon.

The way you sing with such tenderness, your voice a balm to your baby's tears, fills his heart with joy.

As you sings on, the baby's cries slowly subsides, replace by sniffles and finally, sweet silence.

You continued to rock and sing, your eyes close, lost in the moment.

Tobi pushes off from the doorframe and paddles over to you, wrapping his arms around his little family.

Together, you two sway to the rhythm of your song, a lullaby of love and comfort that filled the night with warmth and peace.

In that moment, everything felt right with the world, and Tobi knew he was the luckiest man alive to have this family, this love, and this life.

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