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Summary: Tobi reacting to a song you write about him.

Word count: 420!
Warnings: none.

Y/n pov:

I have been feeling nervous all day, my heart racing with anticipation.

I've written a song, pouring my heart out, confessing my feelings to Tobi.

I had invited him to film a reaction video, pretending it was just a new song, but really, it was a love letter in melody.

As we set up the cameras, my hands tremble slightly, hoping Tobi would see the truth in my lyrics.

I press play, and the music began.

At first, Tobi looks puzzled, but as the lyrics sink in, his expression changes.

I know it's scary, but I gotta take the leap

'Cause the thought of losing you is all I can think

I'll take a deep breath, and let my heart speak

And hope that you'll feel the same, and we'll make this real

His eyes widens, and a soft gasp escapes his lips.

My heart skips a beat as I watch him realize the truth.

The lyrics speaks of laughter, inside jokes, and late-night conversations.

Of the way Tobi made me feel seen and heard.

As the chorus hit, Tobi's eyes lock onto mine, and I see the moment he understands.


Oh, baby, I've got a confession to make

I've been feeling this way for a long, long time

I can't keep it inside, it's gotta come out

I think I might be falling for you, without a doubt.

The song ends, and the room was silent.

Tobi's face is a mix of surprise and emotions.

He turns towards me.

"Y/n, I...I had no idea." His voice barely above a whisper as my heart race faster.

"I've been wanting to tell you for so long, Tobi. I'm in love with you." I say as Tobi's face lit up with a radiant smile.

"I'm in love with you too, Y/n. I just didn't know how to say it." He says as I smile with a chuckle.

Without another word, Tobi closes the distance between us, and our lips met in a soft, gentle kiss.

The cameras captured the moment, but I didn't care – I am too busy feeling the sparks flying between us.

As we pull back, Tobi whispers, "Let's make this moment last a lifetime."

"Lifetime, yes the song." I say chuckling.

"And the video." He says smiling as he pecks my lips.

I smile, knowing that this was just the beginning of their love story.

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