a second chance

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Summary: realization of you breaking up with him...

Word count: 737!
Warnings: none.

A/n: any requests are okay. 😃👍
Check out vlaaadaaanaaa and her story, it's good so far!!! :)

Y/n pov:

I had been feeling neglected for months.

Tobi's busy schedule with the Sidemen had taken a toll on our relationship, leaving me feeling like an afterthought.

Despite my efforts to be understanding and supportive, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was no longer a priority in Tobi's life.

One day, I reached my breaking point.

With a heavy heart, I sit down with Tobi and explain how I felt.

"I'll always have a special place in my heart for you. At times, our relationship felt like it was the best thing that had ever happened to me, but lately, everything has felt wrong. It pains me to admit this, but I no longer feel like a priority to you anymore. I can't stay in a relationship where there is no love, and it isn't fair to you to be stuck in a relationship that's a lie."

Tobi, taken aback by my words, apologizes and promised to do better.

But I knew it was too late.

With tears in my eyes, I end our relationship, leaving Tobi stunned and heartbroken.

3rd person pov:

At first, Tobi tried to brush it off, thinking he could handle it.

But as the days went by, he found himself struggling to get out of bed, lacking the energy to participate in Sidemen shoots, and losing his appetite.

His usual enthusiasm and humor were gone, replaced by a dull emptiness.

Simon, noticing Tobi's sudden change in mood, grew concerned.

He tried to talk to Tobi, but he just shrugged it off, saying he was fine.

Simon knew better.

He decided to pay a visit to you, his sister, to see if you knew what was going on.

Y/n pov:

I hear a knock on the door as I open it to see Simon.

I'm taken aback by his worried expression.

"What's wrong, Simon?" I ask, sensing something was off.

"It's Tobi." Simon replies.

"He's not himself lately. He's withdrawn, and it's like he's lost his spark. I think it has something to do with you two." He says crossing his arms.

My eyes widened as I realize what Simon is implying.

"We, uh, broke up a few days ago." I admit, feeling a pang of guilt into my body.

Simon's expression soften as he hugs me.

"Y/n, you need to see him. He's not doing well." He says as he pulls away with a slight frown.

I hesitate, unsure if I was ready to face Tobi again.

But Simon's words stuck with me.

I couldn't just leave Tobi in this state, not when I still cared about him deeply.

Taking a deep breath, I head to the Sidemen house, my heart racing with anticipation.

When I arrived, I find Tobi lying in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Tobi." I say softly, my voice breaking the silence.

He turns to me, his eyes sunken and his face pale.

"Y/n." He whispers, his voice barely audible.

I sit down beside him, taking his hand in mine.

"Tobi, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how much you were struggling." I say as he sits up with him looking at me with a soft expression.

Tobi's eyes wells up with tears.

"I miss you, Y/n. I really do. I miss your kisses." He says with a slight chuckle, a look of love escaping his eyes as my heart melts at his words.

I wipe the tears away and I lean in, my lips meeting his in a soft, gentle kiss as a small smile forms onto his face into the kiss.

As we pull back, I see the faintest glimmer of the old Tobi, the one I fell in love with.

"Let's try again, Tobi." I say, my voice fills with hope.

"Let's make time for each other, and prioritize our love." I say with a smile as Tobi's face lit up, and he wraps his arms around me, holding me close.

"I promise, Y/n. I'll do better this time. I can't lose you again." He says smiling as he places his head on my shoulder.

And with that, we seal our reconciliation with another kiss, the start of a new chapter in our love story.

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