sneaking out

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Summary: visting the parents house after sneaking out...

Word count: 674!
Warnings: none.

A/n: sorry I haven't been uploading, I'm running out of ideas. If any of you have ideas, you can request!

Y/n pov:

We are excited to spend the upcoming holiday with my parents.

I had always been close to my parents, especially my dad, although he could be a bit strict sometimes.

Tobi has met my parents a few times before, but he knew that my dad had a tendency to keep a close eye on us whenever we're together.

As we arrive at my parents' house, my dad greets us with a stern look as my mother smiles with giddy.

He shakes Tobi's hand firmly and runs over to me, wrapping me in a tight hug.

My mom, on the other hand, welcomes both of us with open arms and a warm smile.

Tobi couldn't help but feel a little anxious about spending the holiday under my dad's watchful eye.

As the evening went on, my dad made it clear that he didn't want Tobi and I alone in my room.

"I think that you two should spend time in the living room or kitchen where he could keep an eye on you two." My dad says as my mom hits his arm.

I can sense Tobi feels frustrated by this restriction, but he didn't want to cause any tension with my dad.

"Honey, they're grown adults. They can do what they want!" My mom says as she shakes her head.

"Dad, you're just being over protective. Nothing will happen between us." I say shaking my head as I continue eating my food, but I could see how it was affecting Tobi.

[time skip]

Later that night, as everyone settles down to sleep, Tobi and I quietly sneak out of the house.

We walk hand in hand down the quiet streets, enjoying the cool night air and the peaceful atmosphere.

I lead Tobi to a bridge nearby, where we stand there wrapped in each other's arms.

"I'm sorry about my dad." I say chuckling as I wrap my arms around Tobi's neck.

"He can be really... mean and over protective sometimes." I say smiling as Tobi chuckles and pulls me closer.

"I don't mind him. I just want you to be happy, and I love how close you are with him." He says smiling as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

I smile at him and lean in for a kiss.

Our lips met in a sweet, gentle embrace, and for a moment, everything else fades away.

We stand there, lost in each other's presence, enjoying the moment of peace and happiness.

3rd person pov:

As you two walk back to your parents' house, Tobi couldn't help but feel grateful for the time you two has spent together.

Despite your dad's strictness, he knows that your love and warmth will always guide you two through any challenges you face.

[time skip]

The next weekend, as you two preparing to leave, your dad pulled Tobi aside.

"I may be tough on you, but I do it out of love for my daughter. I see how much you care for her, and that means a lot to me. Just make sure you treat her right, okay?" He says as Tobi nods, feeling a wave of relief wash over him.

He knows that your dad only wanted the best for you, and he was determined to prove himself worthy of your love.

Your dad smiles and pats Tobi's shoulder after pulling him into a hug.

Y/n pov:

I walk into the living room to see my dad and Tobi hugging.

"Seems like your dad warmed up to him." My mom says smiling as she walks into the room.

I smile at her before looking back at the two people that make me smile everyday.

As we say our goodbyes and drive away, I hold Tobi's hand tightly, knowing that we have a strong bond that could weather any storm.

He smiles at me, our hearts full of love and gratitude for the special moments we had shared together.

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