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I should've brought Rogue today. I don't know why I didn't. I know my way around the streets but there's a lot of people. Someone slams into me as I round a corner and I fall backwards, the person landing on top of me.

"Oh my god I am so so sorry. Please forgive me." The person gets up and pulls me up. He apologizes again. "Are you ok? I didn't hurt you did I? I'm so sorry."

I just smile. "It's quite alright. I'm not hurt. Well, my backside is probably a bit bruised but it's nothing new," I laugh to myself.

"Let me make it up to you. I feel so bad. Please." His voice is just dripping with guilt.

"Is it because I'm blind?" I feel him hand me my cane.

"No! No not at all! I just totally ran into you and I feel like I have to make it up somehow. Being blind has nothing to do with it I promise. Just please let me make it up to you?"

I consider it for a moment. "Alright, but please don't murder me. It would be a shame to die right before my sister's 15th birthday."

"No murder. Promise."

I smile. "What did you have in mind?"

"There's a small coffee shop that just opened down the street. Er, I was supposed to meet some friends there and was running a bit late. We could go there." He's very hesitant.

"Alright. Lead me there?"

"Yeah. Yeah of course." I feel him place his hands on my shoulder and gently turn me to the left. "Uh, this way. On Browns Street."

I start walking, following his voice and lightly swinging my cane in front of me. "So um, what's your name?"


"How do you spell that?"


"Oh wow. I would've never guessed that." He lets out a small laugh.

"How would you spell it?"


It's my turn to laugh. "I get that a lot. What's your name?"

"Kaladin. Kal for short. It's kind of a dumb name." There's embarrassment in his voice.

"I think it's a cool name."

"Thanks. Take a left, through the doorway. I got the door." I hear a door open and a small bell sound directly to my right.

I turn and walk into the shop, the smell of coffee beans and pastries hitting me.

A rather loud voice yells to Kal. "Yo! Kal! Where the heck you been man? We were waiting forever- Who's this?"

I hear a few pairs of footsteps walk up to us and then Kal's voice answering the loud one. "Um, this is Aoife. I kinda crashed into him on the way here."

The loud one is quiet for a minute. I can feel people staring. I clear my throat and put out my hand in the direction his voice was. "It's nice to meet you."

He takes and shakes it. His grip is hard. "You too."

A new voice speaks up. "So are you like completely blind oor?" So he spotted the cane.

"Camrynn! You can't just ask people that!" Kal yells at him.

I just laugh. "No it's fine. Bluntness is appreciated. To answer your question yes, I am completely blind."

"Do you have a service dog or something or just a cane?" I hear a faint thud and then an "ow". I can only assume the blunt one was hit.

"Yeah. His name is Rogue. I left him at home today."

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