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I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

I quickly put my shirt on before saying, "Come in."

I hear my door open and someone walk in. "Hey." It's Saoirse. "Kal's here. Says he has a surprise for you."

"Ok?" I get up and go to the living room. "Kal?"

"Right here." He kisses me. I feel the smile on his lips.

I grin. "What's got you so happy?"

"We're going shopping. Just for fun. Just for the heck of it. And it's kinda of like a double date except Mari and Saoirse are going as just friends."

"Alright. Just let me get my shoes on."

I go to the front door and grab my shoes and slip them on and grab my cane and harness up Rogue. Kal gets Saoirse and soon enough we're out the door and walking to the mall. It's not far from us. We make it there after about 20 minutes of walking. I hold Kal's hand as we enter the doors and walk into the loud and bustling hell known as Orlanna Mall. I hear a kid excitedly yell, "Momma look! A puppy!"

"Gio no. Don't pet the dog. You see his harness? That means he's a service dog and he's working so you can't pet him. He's helping that young man with the cane." I assume the kid's Ma is talking to him.

"Why does he have a cane and why does it look like that?"

"I'm sure if you asked nicely he'd be happy to explain it to you sweetheart."

I hear small footsteps walk up to me and the small voice say, "Excuse me Mr. My mommy said I could ask you why you have the funny looking cane."

I smile. "Of course. I can't see so this cane helps me feel my surroundings so I don't trip or run into something. It looks the way it does to let other people know I can't see them."

"Why can't you see?"

"There's something wrong with my eyes, so they don't work like they should. It was something I was born with."

"Ooooooohhh. But wait. If you have a cane then why do you have the puppy?"

"Rogue here also helps me. He acts as my eyes and he guides me."

"Mommy said I can't pet him because he's working."

"You're mommy is correct. Petting him can distract him from doing his job. Don't pet dogs with the special vests. They have to focus on helping people. Any other dog you should ask if it's alright to pet."

"Oh. That makes sense. Thank you Mr."

"Of course. Thank you for asking."

I hear the kid run off talking excitedly to his mom about me. Kal nudges me and I can hear the smile in his voice when he talks. "You're good with kids."

I laugh. "Thanks." We continue walking on.

"If you ever had a kid, what would you name them?"

"You know Pa doesn't want me having kids."

"Well ignoring that. If you DID have a kid, what would you name it?"

I sigh. "Well I like the name Eiran for a boy. Éabah for a girl. What about you?"

"I like Eoghan or Isla."

I nod. "I like those too."

We walk into a store. I can tell by the temperature change and the change in smell.

"You think we could ever have kids?"

Kal's question catches me off guard. "Oh, um, I'm sure we could adopt seeing as how neither one of us could ever get pregnant."

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