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I'm sitting on the porch like I have been for the past three hours, waiting for Ma and Pa to arrive. I hear someone walk up the driveway.

"Ma? Pa?" I stand up.

"No, just Kal. I hope that's alright."

"More than alright." I sit back down. "Come join me."

I hear him walk up and take a seat beside me. "How come you're not wearing a jacket? It's cold out."

"I didn't think about it." A gust of wind blows and I shiver.

"Here." I feel something warm being wrapped around me.

I pull the thing, jacket I assume, closer to me. "Thanks." I tuck my nose in to warm it up a bit. It smells like him.

He pulls me closer to him and I rest my head on his shoulder. "So I take it you're waiting for your parents to arrive?"

I nod. "Yeah. Pa said he and Ma are coming in today."

"Where did they even go anyway?"

"Across seas on vacation. Somewhere in Kestria. That really rich kingdom?"

"Yeah, I know where you're talking about. I hear it's nice there."

"It is. I can show you pictures Ma and Pa sent Saoirse-" I hear footsteps walking up the driveway and I stand up again. "Ma? Pa?"

"Aoife." Ma's voice is happy. I feel her hug me and I hug her back.

"Where's you're sister?" I hear Pa ask as he walks up. "And who's this?"

Ma lets me go and Pa gives me a hug. "Saoirse is inside and this is my boyfriend Kal." We agreed to keep using the term boyfriends even though we technically are engaged.

Pa pulls back. "Boyfriend? Since when did you have a boyfriend?"

"Since three months ago. You'll like him. Kal come here."

I hear him walk up and feel him brush his hand against mine. I grab his hand and hold it.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. and Mr. DeCartett. Nick- er Aoife told me a lot about you."

I stifle my laughter. I can hear Ma trying to do the same.

"Is he always this formal?" Pa asks, sounding amused.

I laugh. "No, he's just not good with new people."

"Alright well Kal, it was nice to meet you. Aoife, can you go get your sister to help carry in luggage?"

"I can help."

"Aoife please do as I say."

"But Pa-"

"Aoife Nikolai. Do as I say the first time I say it please. Go get your sister."

I sigh. "Yes sir." I walk inside and knock on Saoirse's door. "Saoirse. Ma and Pa are home. Pa wants you to help carry stuff in."

"Alright, I'm coming." I hear the door open. "Would Pa not let you help?"

I shake my head.

I hear her heave a small sigh and walk outside. I follow her and when I get outside I feel a small tap on my shoulder.

"Aoife sweetheart, can you help me take this to the living room?" I hear Ma ask me, a hint of smile in her voice.

I grin when she presses a decent sized box in my arms. "Yeah."

I carry it inside and set it on the coffee table. I go back outside but stop when I hear Ma and Pa talking.

"You don't always have to treat him like he can't do anything Cainnan. Just because he can't see doesn't mean he can't do things."

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