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Kal's back in the hospital. He broke down into a coughing fit and passed out. Today is his birthday so I'm bringing him something. I feel the and hear the car pull to a stop and I get out and let Rogue out.

Saoirse honks the horn to get my attention. "I'll be back later to come pick you up. I'll just come up to the room so you don't have to worry about the time. Just enjoy yourself ok? Tell Kal I said hi too please."

"Alright. I'll see you later."

Rogue and I walk inside and head up to Kal's room. I knock on the door before entering.

"Hey. I brought you something." I hold up the bag I brought.

I hear a violent cough. "Hey. come in. I missed you." I can hear the happiness in his voice.

"I was only gone for the night you goober." I walk in and sit on the bed.

"I'm allowed to miss my fiancé whenever I please thank you very much."

I laugh. "Ok sure. Here." I hand him the present I brought him.

I feel him take it and hear him open the bag. He let's out a laugh and then another violent cough, still slightly laughing. I smile. I guess he likes my cake. I made him a small little cake, well Ma did really, and attempted to draw a picture in frosting on top. Saoirse did not hesitate to tell me how horrible it looked.

"I'm sorry. This the worst cake art I've ever seen in my life. Thank you. I love it."

"Happy 20 years Kaladin Zachary Sylva."

"Wow, full name and everything."

I give him a small smile. "Of course. You know I'm extra."

"Of course. That's one of the things I love about you." I hear him set the stuff down on the table beside him.

A wave of sadness washes over me and I climb into the bed and snuggle up close to him, being careful of the things he's hooked up to.

"Hey. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just really wanted cuddles. Figured you could use some too."

He rubs my back. "Sure."

We lay like that for a bit. I'm listening to his heartbeat the entire time, telling myself that he's still here with me.

I take a deep shaky breath. "You know I love you so incredibly much."

He kisses the top of my head. "Of course."

My voice is shaky when I speak again. "How long.."


"How long do we have? How long do you have? Do you know?"

He sighs. "They gave me an estimate of four months left."

A tear slips down my cheek. "Then we'll make it the best four months ever."

"I appreciate that." He kisses me.

"I 'm going to miss you."

He laughs. "I'd hope so."

"I'm serious Kal. I don't know if I can live on if you leave me behind."

"Nick... what are you saying?"

I sit up. "I'm saying that it's not fair! Why do you have to be sick. Why do you have to die? You don't deserve it. You still have so many more years to go. Sorry, HAD. You had so many years to go. But no, you had to get sick. The cancer and to infect you. And now you have four months left. It's not fair." Tears are streaming down my face.

"Nick I'm sorry I got sick-"

"Don't you dare apologize for something you can't control."

"Nick.." He pulls me back to him and strokes me hair while I cry. "It's not fair. Everything really sucks. And you are being so strong. I'm so happy you stayed in my life despite the sickness. We've created a beautiful thing and have made so many amazing memories together. I do only have four months left and that's not a lot of time I know, but let's make the most of it." He kisses the top of my head.

I sniff and continue to lay there in his arms. Eventually he falls asleep. I can tell by his breathing. I lay there and think about what he said. I'm gonna make sure he has a happy rest of his life. I'm gonna try at least. I listen to the steady thump bump of his heart beat. I don't want him to go. It hurts so bad to think about it. What am I gonna do?

I lay there in his arms until he wakes up. We spend the rest of the day talking and laughing with each other. I don't leave his side unless he makes me and that was only one time to get food. He ends up falling asleep again a little bit later. I don't blame him. I'd probably be tired all the time too.

I hear someone walk into the room. "Hey Aoife. It's time to come home." I guess visiting hours are over. I don't wanna go.

I don't answer her.

"I'm not sure if the nurses will let you stay... You want me to ask?"

I nod.

I hear her leave and then come back a few minutes later. "They said it was alright. I'll tell Ma and Pa you're staying here for the night." She hugs me. "I'll be back in the morning ok?"

I nod and hug her back. I hear her leave and I snuggle up to Kal, wrapping my arms around his thin body. I listen to the steady beat of his heart until I fall asleep.

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