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I cheerfully knock on Kal's front door.

I hear the front door open and his mom greet me. "Well hello Aoife. You here to see Kal?"

I smile and nod. "Yes ma'am, is he home?"

"Not at the moment. His father took him to the doctor's for a check up. You're more than welcome to come in and wait for them to come in. They should be back soon."

"Sure." I use my cane to find the step in front of the door and walk inside.

"Hi Aoife!" I hear Kamari say somewhere off to my right.

"Hey Mari. How's life?"

I hear her walk up. "It's been really good actually. These last few months have been really peaceful. Since you got Kal his medicine he's feeling a lot better and getting better which means Mom and Dad aren't fighting as much which means it's a lot more peaceful, plus I get more attention."

I smile. "I'm glad to hear it."

I hear the door open behind me. "Nick? What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today."

"Of course. We hanging out here or your place or somewhere else?"

"We can hang here."

"Perfect." He grabs my hand and starts dragging me somewhere. "I have something for you."

We go the distance of his bedroom and he sits me down on the bed. I hear rustling and then feel something soft put into my lap.

"I took up knitting and crocheting and I made you a sweater. I tried to match your eye color. I think I did a pretty good job. Moss green is the closest." I smile. He sounds so proud of himself. "And, so you can tell which is the front and which is the back, I stitched a little dog on the front. You can feel him."

I feel the sweater, running my hands along the sleeves and the front. I feel the dog. He's a different material than the rest of the sweater. A bit softer. I like it. I smile as I put it on.

"It's very cozy. I like it. Although I will say that the sleeves are a little big." I hold up my hand to show him how the sleeves cover my hands.

"You look so cute right now. I might start crying."


"Mhm." I feel him kiss me. "You are absolutely adorable."

"Well you're adorable too."

Kal laughs. "That doesn't count. you can't see me."

"Ouch. Well news flash, it does count. You sound adorable and you feel adorable."

He sits down next to me. "How can someone feel adorable?"

"By being squishy and soft and fluffy." I tackle him in a hug.

He laughs. "Ok, ok I get it. I'm adorable. Goodness."

"Yes, you are very adorable." I kiss him.

"Yeah well you're adorabler." He kisses me.

I laugh. "That's not even a word."

"It is now."

I laugh again and he laughs with me.

I kiss him and he smiles. "You're also the best kisser."

"You've only kissed one person."

He gasps in fake offense. "Nuh uh. I kissed a girl in second grade."

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