Sports festival

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After todoroki declared war on deku we all headed to the arena "NOW LETS WELCOME, CLASS 1-A!!!" prescient mic shouted me and my class walked out having a huge applause from the crowded. 'ugh why do these gym uniforms have to be so tight?!' I thought in my head not noticing the huge crowd of boy's drooling at me. Just then I saw the R-rated her midnight 'ugh wow that's a lot' I thought looking at her outfit "now lets get on to the starting speech, from class 1-A's representative and class queen miss y/n l/n!" she shouted pointing at me, I blushed from all the stairs as I made my way up to the stage.

"I'm not the best with words when coming to this but, I know we just endured an attach from real villains and that may seem that we are the strongest, but don't just pay attention to us, everyone here deserves to be here standing with us. And we all will make sure to GO BEYOND PULE ULTRA!!!" I shouted and there was a big applause from the crowded and from other students my two creatures came running to me crashing into me "AAHH hey!" I shouted and everyone started to laugh "ok ok, lets get on with the first challenge!" midnight said as I got off stage "The obstacle race!" she shouted we all got to the gate 'ok ocean, it's your time to shine' I said in my head, then the light turned red, then yellow, then green. I summoned ocean 

and jumped onto his back along with Vaporeon and leafeon "WHATS THIS L/N HAS A NEW FRIEND!!" mic shouted and we heard a few people gasp from the crowded entry way as we entered into the next challenged "ok got back to limbo

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and jumped onto his back along with Vaporeon and leafeon "WHATS THIS L/N HAS A NEW FRIEND!!" mic shouted and we heard a few people gasp from the crowded entry way as we entered into the next challenged "ok got back to limbo." I said then ocean disappears, leaving me free falling with my two partners. I used me water to land and there they were the robots from the exam "ok USE LEVBLADE AND HYDRO PUMP!" I shouted and they both did as I asked "LOOKS LIKE L/N HAS THE LEAD!" mic shouted as I went under the 0 pointer robot while using my vines to attach the other robots. 'ok time for the ropes' I said in my head and used my water to serf across "LOOKS LIKE TODOROKI CAUGHT UP WITH L/N!" mic shouted and it was true he wasn't for behind me. I then see the some others start to fall " EVERGREEN USE LEAFEGD!!'I shouted he then came out of no where and used the move I asked and stopped the others from falling "L/N TOOK HER TIME TO SAVE OTHERS, HOW SWEET!!" mic shouted causing my face to heat up. I then stop as I reach the land mines "um this isn't right." I said I then calmed my self and turned into waster having my two partners with me "SHE CAN TURN HERSELF INTO WATER?!?!" mic shouted "even I didn't know that." aizowa said with shock in his voice. I then here a loud boom I looked back and saw deku closing in. I transformed back and ran for it, but then we were neck and neck and we crossed the finish line together. "AND THE WINNERS ARE, MIDORIYA ND L/N!!!"the crowded cheered as we stood there, I saw deku was about to cry but I grabbed his hand and he'd it up, showing our victory, while my two partners jumped on our shoulders as well showing off our victory.

deku's pov

When y/n grabbed my hand I felt butterflies in my stomach, I looked up at her she had a strong look on her face filed with pride. I looked back at the crowded with the same face, one of her creatures landed on my shoulder and I couldn't help but smile, this proves that she i'm one step closer to her falling for me because I just gained her creatures trust so this is a good start . As we made our way to the middle of the stadium. we found out that we share 10 million points, we both looked at each other with worried faces as everyone was starring at us, with blood lust eye's.          

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