Hero names

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Me and my two partners were walking to school, and we walked passed a pre-school and some kids painted us out "hey look it's that hero lady from TV!" one of the kids shouted pointing at me. Everyone started to crowd me congratulated me, telling me how cool my quirk was, and that I would make a greater hero in the future. AS I walked into the school I saw the big three at the gate "hey, n/n I saw everything on the news. AMAZING!" najri said hugging me. "y-yeah y-you w-were g-reat." tamaki said in a timid voice, "I can't wait to work with you in the future when we become heroes," Miro said while petting leafeon. We said our goodbyes as we walked to our own classrooms.

time skip

We all were waiting in class as everyone was talking about how we were noticed by others "yeah I was to, I was walking passed a per school I lived close by, and some kids pointed me out." I said smiling and everyone 'AAAWWWWed' at that. Just then The door opened to reveal aizowa without his bandages "Aizowa you don't have any bandages anymore, that's good news." tsu said "the old lady went a little overboard with her treatment." he said scratching his cheek, and then continued "More impotently, we're having a special hero informatics class today." he said and I saw the class tense. "you will be choosing code names." he said and the whole class cheered until aizowa activated his quirk and made them shut-up. As he talked about hero names then midnight walked in, wearing her costume 'jeez talk about much.' 

time skip~

I was looking at my plain white board thinking 'what should I write?' suki was having a bit of trouble because his names kept on getting rejected. I wrote a note to him and passed it to him by making it into an airplain he looked at me as he opened the paper, then going back to his white board. He then went back up and said "ground zero" midnight approved "it's a lot different from the other ideas you've had." she said smirking "yeah didn't y/n pass you a note just a few minutes ago?" mineta asked while having a creepy grin on his face. "SHUT-UP!!" he yelled while sitting back down while everyone was trying hard to keep the snickers in. I looked at my board but then remembered something. 

I was then called up to the front of the class I then placed down my board that said 'The land and water hero: Marine Life' "I love it, what made you come up with it?" Midnight asked me "well I thought it would fit perfectly with my quirk and that even though that grass is on land it also thrives in water, So I want to be symbol that I can be a hero both on land and In water. And someone told me that I bring life to others with just a smile." I said thinking of shigaraki everyone cheered for me as I sat back down at my seat blushing from all the praise.

I was reading my requests from the hero and there was a lot I got at least 10,000. As I looked at all the names one seemed to catch my eye "hmmm what do you guys think of this?" I asked my two partners who looked at the name with stars in their eyes "well then fatgum it is then." (he needs to be in fnafiks more!) I said. I turned in my sheet with a circle around fatgum's name, and I noticed the pained look in aizoawa eye's, he also wanted me to intern with him "don't take it personally, I already trained with you for months before the exam, so I wanted to see what else I can do with others." I said to him smiling brightly. I failed to notice the small blush on his cheeks as he nodded.

I walked out of school "hey water brain!" suki yelled and I then turned to him "yes?" I asked "who did you choose?" he asked me "oh I went with fatgum, you?" I asked him and he smirked "I went with best jeanist." he said smirking proudly. We then walked to my home talking about random things, I also felt eye's on me but  just ignored them.

deku's pov

I was walking to the school gate when I saw kacchan and y/n talking and laughing 'is she falling for him?!?!' I yelled in my head I watched them leave and I was trying to think of a way to get y/n to be mine. She realize her partners for choosing something big, so I just need to gain their trust and when I get the courage i'll ask her out. I thought about smiling when we became a couple and how we would look as heroes fighting side by side together.

(I know it sounds a little yandere but just know its not!!!)


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