Call Me Faith

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Oh darn.

My eyes widen and
Just like any normal fan girl would do they would freak out, but I'm not a normal fangirl. I was a fangirl with a tumor in her head. Everything was because blurry again and I tried my best to keep myself together.

Well it's pretty normal if you've seen a Shucking hammer fly!

After a while I finally feel less nauseous, I surprisingly stayed quiet even though in my mind my head was gonna blow up

They were all there!
Steve, Banner and Fury.

They were all discussing about me.

I gained occasional suspicious glances from Fury and Natasha and a weird looks from everyone

Normal people would start thinking a way to get back to their real universe but me,
I was practically drooling rainbows!

After a few minutes of Steve and Tony's little love quarrel

Fury,Collson and Maria Hill came crashing through the door

They all round up and looked at me
But of all the people Fury Spoke up

"Now, Ms.Dela Luna we're gonna ask you again. Who are you and why does the a power similar to the teseract was detected in your house" he said trying to intimidate me but it's clearly not working

"Please call me Faith"
I looked at every single one of them and shrugged
It was starting to annoy me that people keep calling me 'Miss Dela Luna'

"And knowing SHIELD or what's part of it, you already know who I am and I have no idea why a power like the teseract or any powerful stones in this galaxy were located in my house! I mean come on! I'm clueless as you guys are!" I said

"Clearly not as clueless" Tony points out

"We can't seem to know what's going on with that mind of yours?" Natasha  said while looking directly into my eyes as if she's trying to figure me out.

I just snickered "Maybe I don't have one" I joke and giggled
"You think this is funny?" Steve said clearly pissed off
Oh that wasn't a great move

"Funny things are" I automatically said remembering Tony's line in the Avengers

Then I heard Tony trying not to laugh
"Great, just what we need,another Tony" Steve said grumbling

"Well ouch. 10 points off Hufflepuff for insulting a Slytherin" I mutter and rolled my eyes
And tried not to look at Steve
"You consider yourself a Slytherin?" Maria asked in disbelief

"Yes, Now 10 Points to Ravenclaw for your great detective skills" I said sarcastically

"I'm a ambitious girl. I'm not a self proclaimed Slytherin though, because Pottermore confirmed it" I added

"So you basically know nothing you should know but knows information you shouldn't know" Fury asked suspiciously and changing the subject

"Yeah, why is that" Natasha asked stepping forward trying to intimidate me and it's clearly working

I'm guessing she's trying to read if I'm lying or not just like what Wanda was doing.

I just sigh "Look, I can't tell you. It's not easy to explain how and why I'm here but I assure you that I'm not a threat" I said

"I COME IN PEACE!" I added while raising my hands while they looked at me like a mad man

"But that's not the question I'm asking" Natasha shot back

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