Suicidal Mission

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After 3 hours of sleep, I woke up and I started thinking, yes i know not the most productive. I could do things while I was here at the Stark tower, where almost 100% of fangirls like myself would kill for my position right now and I'm here wasting my time alone thinking like I have my own world in my own tiny little head-well to be honest its not that tiny.

But one thing is for sure, I'm totally messed up.

After a few hours after I discovered I could teleport my mind just randomly thought of Divergent and Hunger games, because they seems to be connected. What if their universe are connected just like the story 'The Tale Of The Three Brothers' are connected to 'Harry Potter'?

Crazy yet possible.

After my mind started to make some theories again which I know I could never prove. Or can I?

I secretly learned that there is a computer that haves all of the files of every possible threat in SHIELD in the helecarrier, I only saw the picture of the place and for me it's more than enough.

If I could just place my hands on that computer I could prove my theory is right!

I looked at the ceiling while still thinking how to put my 'suicidal' mission into action. Saving MCU from Thanos.

But out of no where Natasha showed up

Surprised was an understatement
"GAAAAAAHHHHH!" I screamed and pushed myself away from her while clutching my chest

How the heck did she do that? I didn't even hear the fricken door open!

And she just looked at me with an amused look
" You have a manly scream " she stated

"What the heck!? After almost killing me, the only words that got out from your mouth is that I scream like a dude? Seriously?" I asked while I look at her like looking at an Axe Murderer.

She rolled her eyes and smiled slightly "You're not gonna Die....yet anyway" she mutters

And I just looked at her like a deer in a headlights that is about to die because a fricken ten wheeler truck! No scratch that it maybe it was going to be hit by the Helecarrier!

I then gave her a 'WTF' look
"I was checking If you were still alive" she said jokingly

She then composed herself again like she was ready for any attacks like 'black widow' would do

"I'm here to inform you that Loki's gonna leave in about 3 hours" She said nonchalantly and shrugged.

I gulped silently praying she was joking.

"Don't worry kid, we set you up on a date with him. You're only allowed to talk to him for 10 minutes. That's only the time we could give you." She said

And I just nodded. There was no sense in extending it. SHIELD—Well heck the whole MCU at the moment wanted Loki to go back to Asgard.

"You should probably get something to eat and get a shower" Nat suggested

"Here are some clothes" She handed me and I quickly accepted it

"Oh right! Heck I must look like a decaying donkey" and I ran to the door and headed to the kitchen to get some food and then got straight back to the my room.

I locked my door and made sure there was no hidden camera in my room

"Jarvis?" I asked out loud
"Yes miss?" He replied
"Are there any cameras in this room? You know so no one would perv around?" I said

"No miss, your room is completely safe"

And that's all I wanted to know

I started to wore the leather jacket and gloves.

I was wearing a black shirt that sleeves were at my wrest, black leggings,combat boots, a sleeveless leather jacket. It was the clothes that Nat had given earlier.

Now for the first phase of the suicidal mission; Loki.

After Loki, I'll make sure that the civil war wouldn't divide them.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and made myself relax. I pictured the living room, and actually believed I was there.

I felt my surroundings moving, I knew I was moving. It feels like moving without moving my own body,like I could feel my surroundings move,the wind against my face and the feeling of traveling is just like I'm in a swing only standing with the wind against my face except I wasn't moving back and forth, I was only moving straight forward and you could only feel it for a less than 5 seconds .

There were a lot of agents around and among the crowd I saw Nat. "Hey Nat, where are they?"

"They'll be out in an hour, you should just meet them on the first floor" she said

"Oh okay!" I exclaimed and I decided not to use teleportation when everyone was watching. So I headed to the elevator.

Once I was in the first floor. I looked around the busy people around. Just observing them as I waited for them on the lobby.

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