Peter Parker

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I just shook my head "No, and it doesn't have to be on Asgard" I said

Let me explain what happened.
I actually asked them if I could talk to Loki but since he had a 'full' schedule, they told me to get in line. The discussion started at the hellicarrier up to the Avenger's tower.

I had to talk to him, I needed to confirm something.

"Is it important?" Steve asked me
"Very"I replied shortly

I knew they were still suspicious but I just ignore it

By time to time I ask myself if this is really happening! Omfg yes it is really happening.

I mean duhh


Wait I'm getting off topic, why did I have to talk to Loki again?
Ahhhh the Thanos thing!

I sigh dreamily. I was actually going to meet the mischievous asgardian.

But should I really confront Loki? I mean he might not be as kind as he is on FanFics? Doubting my own decisions and my own sanity, I think it through again. I could get killed. I could actually alter the events in this universe in a terrible way. I could ruin things, but I also had the chance to prevent Thanos snapping his finger and making half of the world's population to dust.
After I revealed my theory, I just needed evidence to see if it was true.

"Look, this is like Science as Method of Results. I've already observed, I already saw things happen in the past and saw some possible future, I've determined the problem and formulate an hypothesis." I explained, trying to convince myself and the rest of the team

"So your next step is to conduct an experiment? Kid, you're going to make reindeergames into a lab rat?" Tony said unbelievingly.

"And after that what? You gather your data and then make a conclusion? At what cost? You're life, possibly" Tony said and extending his arms making his stand.

"It's for the greater good,Tony. My life— I've wasted it so much, just watching, observing, wishing I could do something but now, here I am. I can finally do something" I said looking at each and everyone one of them.

I sat on the couch looking at the avengers like I was watching them from the television. I was observing them as they discussed things, trying to make a decision.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air."
I told them

Steve looked hesitantly but nodded.
It wasn't like I could go anywhere. They practically know my parents now and where I live. Oh! And they actually gave me a bracelet which had a tracker on it. Way to make me feel trusted.

I was just outside the tower, I didn't really got the fresh air I needed because the city was still a wreck. And I'm not going to start talking about the air pollution.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I rubbed my temples

accidentally bumped into someone.

I bump into someone and sent me down on the floor.

I looked at the person who I bumped Into and my heart couldn't help but pound as my eyes grew wide because of the person in front of me

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry bout that" he apologized and help me stand up
"Uh, it's fine." I said not taking my eyes off him.

He seems to noticed how 'awkwardly' close we are

So he backed away and he pull out his hands and smile at me.

"I-Im sorry again, I was just looking at the stark tower. Got distracted" he said sheepishly while scratching the back of his head.

I chuckled and said "It's fine, the first time I got in there it took me all of my self control to not show my fangirling self"

"Wow, you actually got into the Stark tower!? Did you meet Tony Stark?" He said with wide eyes and full of excitement. It was like I could see myself in him.

My smile grew. "Oh yes, the great Tony Stark;playboy;billionaire; philanthropist; iron man"
"Wow" he breathe out with amazement still on his face

"I wish I could meet him one day"

Then I suddenly remembered captain America civil war and Infinity wars. Him and Tony had a connection. They were adorable together.
"You'll meet him, maybe not today but I'm sure Iron man will come around" I told him

"I'm Margarette Faith, but I like my friends calling me just Faith." I said extending my arm to him
His smile grew and shook my hand

"Hey Peter, I'm Parker— oh no! I mean I'm Peter Parker nice meeting you, Faith"

I couldn't help but find him adorable. Out of the three Spiderman—if I didn't include the spider peeps in the spiderverse movie— Tom Holland was the most adorable."

Then suddenly his head snapped like he just remember something and cursed under his breath

"I—im sorry, I gotta go!" He said and ran past me


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