Broken Hero

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AN: This chapter is unedited.. Sorry for the lack of updates last month. Also, Im putting on the timeline, place and movie where Faith is so you guys wouldnt be confused :)

ASGARD, 2013 ( Thor: The Dark World)

So there I was, at Asgard. Me, the puny mortal, Margarette Faith Dela Luna, is in fricken Asgard. It is a dream come true. Well at least it's supposed to be.It is something that I would brag about and fangirl for hours. I should be flipping out right now! But here I was, standing awkwardly near a pillar as I try not to glance at Thor who was peeing.. standing in a balcony and peeing.

The damn god of thunder is taking a piss in the most unethical way in a fricken place which is Asgard. 

"Welp, not awkward at all" I muttered as I looked at my shoes as if it was the most amazing thing in this place. 

Not a second later, Rocket walked in coming back from looking around for guard. He quickly gave me a look and then glanced back at Thor. I just shrugged at him. I have no idea why the hell Thor was acting like he's in the park and taking a piss. 

"All clear, which way?" He told Thor 

Thor was finally finished peeing and I heard him zip his pants. "I'm sorry, did you say something?" he says to Rocket as he leaps off the balcony that he was standing on earlier.

"I said I wanna claw my eyes out" Rocket says sarcastically.

"Rocket practically read my mind" I deadpanned. 

"Sadly, we cant all have what we want" I  added as I walk towards Thor along with Rocket.

Thor leaned in the balcony as I took a deep breath. 

"Thor, please focus-" Rocket said in an annoyed tone as he crosses his arms.

"I am focused" Thor defends himself but he didn't really looked like he was trying.

" You knows what is about to happen here. We need to move." I say in a pleading voice. I touched his arm and looked directly in his eyes.

"This place is gonna get wrecked down by fricken Elves" Rocket added

"Did you know, that I saw this people die?" He asked as he points around his finger and looked like he's in a daze. I slowly removed my hand from his arm.

"Yes, Thor. I know. I've also seen it" I answered him slowly. I was trying to reassure him somehow that he wasn't alone in this, that he wasnt the only one who saw the horrors and deaths that he had seen, but sadly it didnt quite reach to him.

"Oh so you know! Now you should know that this" Thor said as he waves his hands around, gesturing the place "This is a little bit difficult for me" He continues and his voice started to sound like he was in the verge of tears.

"So could you reach deep down into your hearts and try to find an ounce of humanity" Thor said

"Thor-"I started but was cut off by Rocket "Just give me the thing" Rocket said

"Just give me the thing" Thor mimicked.

"Thor please, I know this is hard. A lot of people died. But we need you now, please. We have to get the stone." 

This version of Thor, was not the Thor that I used to admire.  This is different. He turned into a person that I do not know how to handle. He became someone who closes himself and doesn't even try to let anyone in. He lost a lot throuout the years, and I guess this was the time and place where he first started losing everything.

Thor avoided my gaze and shuffles into his bag.

"You've lost a lot of people, but we're still here. We're you're family now." I reminded him and gave him a smile. 

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