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“2013, Asgard. That’s where Thor and Rocket are. They were getting the Reality stone.” Bruce said

That's in 'Thor:The dark world'

I took a deep breathe, I wasn’t feeling good. My back was aching as well as my feet; it was like I’ve been running or walking for miles. I handed Bruce the Time stone.

“I’m going to help them” I said

“I think this is a good time explaining some things about you, Faith. How did you know I was here recovering the stone, when obviously, you’re from this timeline? And how did you teleport here ?"

“Wow, I’m that obvious huh” I said and laughed slightly

“Yup, definitely from this timeline.”
Bruce said as he runs his temples.

“I’m that boring in the future!?” I asked agape, faking surprised as I put my hand on my chest.

“Let’s say you’re more.. matured”  Bruce said slowly, it looked like he was trying to say the right words.

"Met Steve, Tony and Scott a while ago" I shortly explained

“Wow, never thought I’ll ever be mature” I added with a wide smile.
A Mature Margarette Faith Dela Luna, wonder what that is like. Hopefully not uptight and boring.

“Now back to the question, Faith.” Bruce said trying to get some answers from me. Guess he can’t wait. Steve could explain it to him and the others but since I’m still trying to gain some strength, I guess I could still chitchat with Bruce.

“Oh! Well you see, in this timeline I found out that I could not only teleport, but also time travel.” I explained.

“YOU CAN WHAT!?” he asked surprised. I guess my future self never told them anything.

“We thought you could only see our past and possible future.” He added.

“That’s what I thought too, we’ll that’s why I was trying to prevent things from happening by warning you guys.”

“You were trying to prevent Thanos.”He said in realization.

“Yes, in a way.. I thought preventing civil war could work. You guys were still divided during the war with thanos.

“Obviously, I failed.” I said looking down with guilt. My future self didn't succeed—I didn't succeed.

“But Faith, changing the past doesn’t change the future. I’ve already discussed this with Lang”  Bruce said as he adjusted his glasses.

“Besides, there are things that shouldn’t be changed in the future and we can now get everybody back.” He added.

It was still weird seeing a mixed of Bruce and the Hulk. But I guess I like this combination. It’s the best of both world. Bruce was no longer a Hannah Montana or a Miley Cyrus, he's now a weird combination of both.

“Well maybe I should help your timeline then.” I replied with determination.
I clinched my teeth and hands formed a fist.

“I’m gonna go to Thor and Rocket, they might need some help.” I said making up my mind.

I will not fail, not this time. There was a chance now, a chance to get everyone back and I could actually help.  The pain my body that is caused by teleportation will not hold me down.

“Yeah, they could use your help since Thor isn’t emotionally stable at the moment.”

“Yeah, I thought that he might be, after all his lost before and after Thanos..” I said quietly.

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