Author's Note:

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Ahhhhh, so glad I've finally finished. The original was completed earlier this year but I've just finished updating it with an edited and more explanatory version that I hope I won't have to go back to again for minor errors (please don't be nitpick-y with grammar errors and note that the use of lower case letters was intentional). But anyways! I'm so thankful for how far this story has gotten with all the mind-boggling reads, hilarious and emotional comments thrown my way or the votes that constantly fill up my notifications. All the love for something that I just created definitely made one of the defining moments of my year. So thank you again, you beautiful humans.

I hope this story managed to touch your hearts, evoked tear marathons, maybe made you laugh at some points (mostly thanks to Ben, I think) and also gave a message about how depression is not just simply "sadness". Depression is a serious illness that can affect and even destroy someone's life if it's not taken care of with love and support. So if you're suffering from depression, let me just say, I know you don't want to hear any bullshit about how I understand and that someone loves you, but I get that everyone comes from their own history. I don't know what you've dealt with or experienced or watched transpire right before your very eyes. I don't know if there's been a person there for you to say you mean the world to them or to be an ear to just hear you out. However, what I do know, that it's all up to you. And I hope, I wish to the stars, you choose to get better.

Again, before I finally finish and we have to say goodbye to North and Leo and all the others (yes, we're saying goodbye. I decided I won't be making a sequel or prequel of any sorts), I want to say thank you again. Writing this honestly helped me overcome my own problems and just knowing someone could be reading this, and quite possibly even enjoying it is just... wow.

However if you didn't really enjoy or like the story, hey, it's cool. The story's not for everyone. You'll find the one you like though, and I hope it's real soon.

I'll truly miss writing One Missed Call (bare with the pun).

Til the next literary adventure,


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