thirty - four

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she pressed 2 on speed dial and waited as the phone rang.

"whuddaheck? hello?"


"shhhhhhhh little duck, i'm hungover."

"oh—sorry—anyways i had an epiphany."

"an epiphany at... 3 in the morning? really?"

"epiphanies aren't timed, benjamin."

"ew don't call me benjamin."

"okay benjamin. anyways, my point! change is in my hands."

"are you serious, that is your epiphany? that is so cliché." he laughed.

"cliché or not, it is. so i was thinking maybe i could change things if i went to harley's party."

"i don't see how the two connect."

"well you know i don't go to those things because i feel as if i don't belong there. but maybe i don't because i made myself not belong. so if i went, maybe it would begin to change things, you know?"

"okay, then go."

"but uh, the reason why i called was because i'm..... afraid to um, go."

he sighed.

"you don't have to go with me if you're busy! really! i just wanted to—"

"north, shush. of course i'll go with you. i was just sighing at the amount of work it'll take to force you out of your sweatshirts and into some party clothes."

she laughed. "i promise i'll cooperate, benjamin."

"i'm glad you're making these types of changes."

"and you say i'm being cliché."

"i'm just saying. so move over doctor phil, ben's here to help."

she paused. "thank you, ben."

"it's no problem. but next time, maybe don't call at 3 in the morning. most people are sleeping at this time."

she chuckled to herself. "maybe not everyone."

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