Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Monday September 2 2013

It turned out I was in the same home room as Krista and to make matters worse I had sat in the desk beside her. Not that it was my fault it was the only one left. 

I had hoped this would not happen. I had walked into the classroom, late of course, and looked around for an available desk. The only desk left was at the back of the room and I didn't even notice it was beside Krista until she stuck out her foot trying to trip me as I walked to my desk. 

"Bitch," she glared at me before turning to her cell phone and texting someone. 

I tried to push the lump in my throat down, it wasn't her calling me a bitch that got to me she was mocking me by texting saying I have friends you don't. The smirk on her face when she glanced at me showed she knew she was getting to me.

 I looked toward the front of the room where the TV came on with the school announcements. And there was Hannah sitting at the desk reporting the daily announcements. Hannah had been a part of our school's TV channel all through high school but this yeah she was finally the lead anchor. The lead anchor was always given to a senior so before this year Hannah had been doing simple interviews and small parts. When she found out she would finally get the lead anchor job she was so excited! Now though her smiling face on the TV seemed to be mocking me. "I have everything I want what do you have?" I could hear her say it and I hated how she could get to me without being in the same room. 

I try to listen to what she is saying but I couldn't concentrate I wished I had something to work on someone to talk to anything to distract me from the smirk on her face. And then I remember the girl from the bathroom. I pull out the paper with her phone number on it and make a contact for her hoping that Krista is watching. I'm about to send a message when I hear a new voice on the TV I look up and there is Trinity sitting beside Hannah.

Great I think the one person who might be friends with me is going to be talking to my ex best friend. I delete the text and put my phone away. 


"Hey," a cheery voice behind me said. I didn't bother looking at who said it they obviously were not talking to me. No one in their right mind would talk to me, and no one would want to talk to me. 

"Liz," the voice said again. I looked around and spotted Trinity waving at me. I ducked my head hoping she would think she had mistaken me for a wrong person. Once she kept calling me I pretended to not hear her. She walked through the crowded cafeteria toward me.

“Hey,” she said “did you hear me calling you?”

"Hi," I said. “Sorry I didn’t hear you.” I couldn't believe no one had told her about me yet. She didn't even seem to notice the way girls glared at me and the guys clenched their jaws and narrowed their eyes every time they saw me. 

"Where are you sitting?" she asked looking around the crowded cafeteria. If she knew who I was she would be running as fast as she could away from me, she shouldn't want to sit with me. I couldn't bring her down with me because if we became friends then she would be treated the same way as me and Trinity actually had a chance at being popular. She was one of those girls who could easily be the queen bee at school. 

"I don't really know I was just going to go to the library or something," I said shrugging like it didn't matter. I just wanted to eat alone and hide behind a good book in the back corner of the library where no even the librarian looked. 

"Ok great so you can sit with me. I met this girl who invited me to sit with her. Do you know who Hannah is? She is on the morning show with me. She is so nice." Trinity rambled on and my eyes widened. I couldn't sit with Hannah; shit would hit the fan if I did. I needed to get out of this. I knew getting friends would be a bad idea. I had told myself to mind my own business and talk to no one today, act in usable and of course I broke my only rule. 

"Yah I know her but I think I'll just sit by myself." 

"No come sit with me," she said giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Really I just want to be by myself," I said trying my hardest to make it sound persuasive. 

"You're coming with me," she said dragging me by my arm. I tried to protest more but she wouldn't listen to me. She kept her death grip on my arm all the way through the line. 

"What are you getting," she asked.

"Oh nothing I'm not hungry," I reply. 

"You're not hungry?" 

"nope," I say popping the p. 

"I don't know how you can't eat!" she almost shrieked before turning to the lunch lady and ordering. 

We left the line walking through the crowd. I spotted them at a table from halfway across the cafeteria. They sat there the two tables that had been pushed together were overflowing with people. Everyone was laughing and talking without a care in the world. 

"Can't I just eat on my own," I begged trinity. 

"Why don't you want to eat with us, it will be fun I promise," I groaned as we walked up to the table. 

"Hey guys," trinity said, "this is Liz. Can she eat with us?" 

Hannah and Krista stared coldly at me. Trinity doesn't seem to notice though she sits down beside them and looks expectantly at the spot beside her. I sit down and try to look anywhere but them. 

"So Liz is it?" Hannah asks as though she has no idea who I am. I see Krista smirk and I fight the lump that has risen I'm my throat.

"Yah," I say hoping that my voice won't give me away. 

"What did you do this summer? Go to any good parties?" Krista mocks. I feel anger boil up inside of me. 

"No there weren't any good ones although a couple of people dragged me off to one," I say. 

"Oh really maybe we went to it," Hannah says. 

"Maybe, these two girls convinced their friend to hold it." 

"Really," trinity says joining the conversation. 

"Yah but I heard they were real bitches," I say. 

"Well maybe it was the girl who held the party." Krista snaps. "I heard she was a major whore." 

"You will not believe what I heard about what happened at that party," Hannah says. I know what is coming. 

"I just remembered I have to go to the office to pick something up. I'll see you guys later," I say grabbing my bag and leaving as fast as I can. 

I turn back as I get to the door to see all three of them laughing. Hannah's eyes meet mine and her expression turns cold for a brief second before saying something that makes everyone start laughing again. I feel sick again and rum to the bathroom to throw up for the third time today. I groan and sit back against the wall of the stall pull my knees up to my chest, I burry my head and let my tears fall. I end up sobbing gasping for breath my chest hurts from crying so hard but I can’t stop the tears keep flowing and I just let them maybe at one point I’ll run out of tears to cry.

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