Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I snuggle into Dexter's arms. His warm naked chest pressing into my back. He gently trails his fingers up and down my arms. He runs his lips up my neck and places light kisses under my ear, his warm breath blowing on my face.

"Can we just stay here forever?" he asks.

"Please," I reply relaxing into his warm embrace. It's moments like these that make me forget everything. Make me forget the Dexter is not mine. He is my best friend's boyfriend. Not mine. I try to focus on the feel of Dexter's body against mine, his broad shoulders that support me. His long legs tangled with mine. His slightly grown out hair that tickles my cheeks as he kisses me. But not even these thoughts can only block out the patronizing voices in my head. The voices that tell me that what I'm doing is wrong. What I am doing will send me to hell, well maybe that's an exaggeration. 

"Dex," I ask quietly as nerves start to gather in my stomach, a lump forming in my throat.

"Liz," he responds with a slight chuckle to his voice. 

I take a deep breath trying to steady my nerves. "What is this?" I ask. I can feel myself stiffen against him. But the question doesn't phase Dexter. 

He laughs at my obvious unease. "This is paradise. It is everything I could ask for, better than anything I could dream of. This is what my dreams are filled of, and what everyone in the world wants." His lips continue to trail up and down my neck. His hand rubs soothing circles on my hip. 

"Then why isn't it enough?" I ask. 

"What do you mean? This is everything I could ask for!" He says, his voice losing a bit of humor, and he begins to realize what I am getting at. 

"But you still need Hannah, why can't it just be me?"

"It can be, I promise I'll break up with her. Let me get dressed and I'll do it right now." He begins to move from behind me getting up from our snuggled position. 

I push myself up to look at him. His hair is messy but somehow that makes it look more attractive. His lips are swollen and red and swollen and he has a happy glint in his eyes. 

"You always say that," I mutter.

"Well this time I mean it. I promise, you can watch me dump her."

"And then what?" I ask.

"And then we run away together into the sunset," he says bending down to press a chaste kiss to my lips. He begins to pull on his swim trunks that he has finally picked up off the floor. 

"What about Hannah, Our friendship?" 

"Does it matter?" he asks.

"Of course it does Dex! She has been my best friend for years, I can't just abandon her."

"Well you can't have everything! If you want me to be with you publicly, you are going to need to realize that you might lose your best friend."

"I know," I say hanging my head. "I get that, I just hate being your girl on the side. I hate being the bad guy here."

"You're not the bad guy, I am. It's my fault we got into this mess. I should never have dated Hannah when I was already seeing you. Things just got out of control and now I don't know how to fix it." 

"It's okay Dex," I mutter even though it is not okay. "We just have to wait, soon it will only be us. And this mess will be left far in the dust."

"Have you heard back from the scholarship yet?" He asks.

"Not yet," I reply. I try to play it off like I could get a reply anytime, but I am starting to think I won't get it. School starts in a few weeks and I haven't heard anything. I should have heard something my now. 

"Don't worry, you'll get it," Dexter says kissing my forehead. "Come on we should get going, make sure your house hasn't been burned down yet."

I groan as I push myself off of the floor. I grab my bathing suit, the top from the floor, the bottoms hanging off of the window where Dexter had thrown them. I look around for the rest of my clothes, finding them scattered across the small space in my tree-house. By time I am dressed Dexter is already leaving out the small door. I check my phone as I follow him. My screen lights up to about a hundred new notifications. Lot's of them are notifications telling me I have been tagged in pictures. A few are texts from randoms asking for directions to my cabin. But the texts from Hannah are the ones that worry me.

Have you seen Dex?

I haven't seen him in a while...

Do you think I should be worried?

Wait where are you?

Are you with Dex?

I can't find either of you anywhere.

I'm worried

What's going on?



What the hell girl??

You better have a good excuse for disappearing when you get back!

"Shit Dex, Hannah is pissed." I say showing him m phone.

"Yeah I have the same texts from her," he says. "Don't worry once we re-appear she won't even care."

"Yeah. Okay. But she seemed to think there was something going on between us. What if she found out?"

"There is no way she knows," He assures me. "She is just drunk. We have nothing to worry about." He says as we walk up the path to my house. 

"Okay, nothing to worry about," I repeat trying to convince myself.

He presses a chaste kiss to my lips, "don't worry." 

I kiss him again, deepening the kiss, trying to calm myself down.

"Holy Shit!" someone screams, and then there is a bright flash.


I know this chapter is super short and I left it on a cliffhanger, but please don't hate me! I already have big plans for where this is all going to go. Please vote and comment.

What do you think of Liz and Dexter? 

Until next time,


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