Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I stare at the bags in front of me. There are two suitcases stuffed to their maximum capacity. Then there are two duffle bags and my backpack. All the bags are stretching at the seams pushing against the material. I look around my room one final time making sure I have absolutely everything.
After Dexter left me at my treehouse, I had wiped my eyes pulled on my clothes and collected my flip flops that I had carelessly tossed before my impromptu swim. I walked back to my car, smoothed the forms and put them one the seat beside me. I drove home doing to speed limit , parked my car in the driveway and entered my house as if nothing had happened.
I went to my room, finished filling in the forms, emailed my correspondent so she knew I accepted the scholarship. Then began packing.
It had taken me about an hour to pack up my life and prepare to move across the country. I had taken only essentials  and left a lot. The pictures of my and my old friends still sat on top of my dresser. A few medals and other miscellaneous items had been shoved into a drawer. I make one more round around my room looking for anything I might have forgotten. MY eyes land on a picture frame that has been tipped over. I pick up the frame and stare at the picture. It is one of Dexter and I.

It was taken late at night so the flash lights up both our faces but the background is dark and blurry. His long hair frames his face, his eye's shine brightly from his infectious smile. He has one arm wrapped around my shoulder.My eyes are on him laughing at his antics. He didn't tell me he was going to take the picture. Just whispered a joke in my ear and then snapped the shot. 

I smile at how happy we both look. We are not hiding, we are not fighting, we are us.


I have given up on the party. I was spending my time watching over Hannah and Krista, but they have both disappeared on me. I'm pretty sure Krista went up to one of the bedrooms with the guy she has been flirting with all week. Hannah had disappeared into the backyard with the guy who has been getting her drunk all night. So I went to the front porch. No one is out here. I can still hear the base from the inside of the house and the laughter and screams from the backyard. I fold my knees up to my chest as I rock back and forth on the porch swing. I am staring up t the stars. They are not very bright with the city lights shining up on them. But I still try to find some familiar constellations. The front door opens and the sounds of the the party are amplified before the door swings shut again. I see someone walk out the door, stumble for a minuet and then grab hold of the porch railing. I stare at the familiar person until I realize it is Dexter. The guy who was talking to me earlier this evening. 

He pushes himself off the railing, runs a hand through his hair and turns around. His eyes meet mine and I see them widen just a little. He did not know I was here.

"Shit, I thought I was alone out her." He laughs a little pushing his hair back out of his face. 

"Sorry," I say not really knowing why I am apologizing.

He waves his hand in front of his face as if to say no problem. He then takes two steps over to the swing and plops down beside me.the swing rocks a little under his weight.

I silently watch him as he leans back and closes his eyes. "I told you I would find you." He says.

"You did," I respond not really knowing what to say. The drawback of being an introvert is I have no practice with small talk.

"So, Liz," he starts.

"So, Dexter," I imitate.

"Tell me, Why are you out here all by yourself when there is a house full of people not even two feet away?"

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