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Chapter 12

When I first started going to school I remembered how the office was the scariest place in the whole school. No one knew what happened behind that great big desk the blocked off the view of the rest of the office. Whenever the phone in your classroom rang you would sit there nervously hoping that it wasn't going to be your name that called when the teacher hung up the phone. The office was a place for the trouble children and if you got sent there you would forever be labeled as a trouble child.

I guess the idea that the office was a terrible place to get called down to was hammered into my mind because easy I stood at the door about to enter my palms were sweating and my fingers were shaking. I didn't understand how a single place could create such terror in my mind. Maybe if I knew I did nothing wrong then I wouldn't be as nervous.

You didn't do anything.  I tell myself.

Yeah you did, and now you're going to pay.  My subconscious retorts.

I didn't do anything at school.  I remind myself. They can't yell at me for something that happened over the summer.

I push the stupid voice in the back of my head out of my mind and take a deep breath. I push the door open. The secretary looks up at me and smiles and I try to force a smile on my face but I don't think it works. The secretary is new because she barely looks three years older than myself. Shes wearing a cut summer dress that is dressed up with a blazer to look more professional/ she is wearing a ton of makeup but its put on well enough so she doesn't look like a cake face, just a lot older than she is. Her wrists are filled with small bracelets that clink together with every move. I can tell she is one of those people who dresses up every time she leaves the house.

"Elizabeth, Right?" she asks me, her voice is very chirpy, too happy for the first day of school. I nod my head and try to swallow the lump in my throat. "just wait a few minutes, you can sit in one of those chairs." She points a manicured finger at a group of chairs in the corner of the room.

I sit down in the chairs and start shaking my leg up and down. I know I'm going to get in trouble. What would happen if I got expelled. My mom would kill me I pull my phone out of my bag and look at the time. Obviously there are jno new messages so I just unlock and re lock my phone a few times pretending to be doing something.

"Elizabeth, you can go straight through that door," she says in her cheery voice pointing a finger to a black door at the far side of the office.

Oh good plan, the voice in my head says, the black door always leads to good things.

I nod my head in thanks to the secretary and then turn to the black door. I raise my hand to knock on the door but the secretary interrupts me.

"You can just go right in," she says in her overly cheery voice. "No one is in there." I nod again because words still aren't forming and I put my hand on the door knob and turn it.

I can almost hear the scary music that every movie has in a suspenseful moment play in my head. As I push the door open I can literally feel my heart crawl up to my throat.

"Elizabeth!" a voice greets me. I look into the room to see an unknown woman sitting there. The office is pretty empty so I assume it's a new staff member. "come, sit down!" she says waving her hand to a big chair on the opposite side of the desk.

What is up with all the energetic people?  I ask myself as I follow her instructions and sit in the chair. I put my bag and books down on the floor beside me and sit back up to look at this lady.

Her red hair is piled high on her head into a classy bun. Her hair isn't that orange red but more of a brown red that can't possibly be real. She's wearing a big sweater that looks extremely comfortable.

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