Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

My world stops. My arms are frozen around Dexter's neck. His hands rest on my hips. In front of us stands a girl I barely know. Her mouth is dropped open, her phone in front of her. Finally I come to my senses and push Dexter away from me. 

"It's not what it looks like," I say cringing at how cliche that sounds.

"Oh my god, you are cheating with your best friend's boyfriend." The girl states her eyes still wide. 

"Clara," Dexter says calmly. "I want you to delete the picture you just took. You don't understand what is going on." I stare at the girl, Clara, waiting to see if she will listen to Dexter.

She shakes her head slowly, eyes still wide as a deer. "No... no, you can't cheat on your girlfriend and expect to get away with it." 

"Clara," I plead, "please don't do this. Look I can explain everything to you. Please, Please delete that picture you just took."

She looks at him, and I can almost see the wheels in her mind turning. She obviously wants to keep the picture and tell Hannah, but for is listening to Dexter. Her fingers fidget over the screen of her phone debating what to do. Finally she looks me in the eyes. 

"Explain," She says.

"Okay, so I know this looks bad but its not like that. We aren't trying to screw with Hannah. About a year ago we met for the first time, Dex and I. We really hit it off, started going out all the time. We sort of had this friends with benefits thing going on. It was a joke between us, the whole 'do the cliche fun' thing. Anyway we were secretly doing it to add suspense because it was fun. So then I finally introduce him to my friends right? And then Hannah asks me about him, what his deal is and everything, if he is seeing anyone. And of course I tell her no. So she starts hitting on him and all that. And Dexter told her he wasn't interested you know? Anyway we go to a summer end party last year. You Remember Laleh's party Right? So it was a masquerade party. So we all go together and I am wearing this hideous green feathered mask. So halfway through the night Hannah gets beer splashed all over her, and she was super upset, so I gave her my mask because I didn't really understand the whole masquerade thing. 

"Well We were both wearing black dresses and our hair was curled so I guess we looked similar. So Dexter was drunk, and he sees Hannah and thought it was me, and goes up and says he has been wanting to ask her out since the first time they met and all this really nice stuff, because he thought it was me. So I see the whole thing and it completely crushed me because I thought We were something. So the next day Hannah calls me and tells me she and Dexter are an item. Then I get a call from Dexter trying to explain the whole mix-up. I was so mad at him I told him I didn't care, date Hannah whatever. So Dexter tries to do the right thing and break up with Hannah. But when he went to do it, was the day after her brother got in that car crash right? So Hannah is an emotional wreck and Dexter realized he couldn't break up with her then. And then everything kind of escalated from there. I started ignoring Dexter because I was hurt, so he stayed with Hannah so he could be close to me. And then one night he comes to my house, and we ended up talking all night, and then we slept together. So then he was like I have to break up with her, but we realized that would crush her, to be cheated on by her best friend. So we decided we would find the right time and do it then. And then I had this scholarship opportunity that would send me across the country, and Dexter's dad has been begging him to come live with him. and it was in the same city my scholarship would take me. So we said we would run away together. He would break up with Hannah and blame it on the long distance, and I would take the scholarship and maintain my friendship with Hannah. So we have been keeping quiet, we haven't done anything since we made the plan a couple months ago. But tonight we messed up. But Clara please don't tell anyone. This is going to crush Hannah." 

Clara stares at me, "Okay, I won't tell anyone. But you guys better not spend any more time together until you leave." She says. 

"Of course, from this moment we won't even talk to each other," Dexter says. 

"Good, then I will delete the picture." She says and begins tapping on her phone. "Oh Shit," She says.

"What?" I ask.

"I may have accidentally sent it to my entire contact list,"  She says looking up at us.

"What? How?" Dexter shouts.

"I don't know i was trying to delete it and... my finger must have slipped. I'm sorry," She says before turning and running away. Just then the music stops.

"I am going to kill that bitch!" We hear Hannah scream.

"Run," I say pushing Dexter to turn around and run away from where Hannah is coming. We take off into the night, running down the pathway.

"What's the plan?"Dexter asks.

"Don't get killed," I say.

"I  like it." We continue to run, a chorus of voices follow us, looking for us.

"Here," I say pulling Dexter into the trees on our right. We push through the trees for a few feet before we come to a clearing. I put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. Dexter pants beside me.

"Where are they?"

"They can't have gone far."

"I'm sure we'll find them soon."

"Come out come out wherever you are." 

Voices chide from around us. I hold my breath and crouch down, Dexter follows my lead. We stay as still as possible as the voices continue around us. Then we see people walking by, Their phones held up in front of them as flashlights.

"Lets go back yo the cabin, they have to come back eventually," someone says. There are murmurs of agreement and the party-goers begin to recede. 

"That was close Dexter Whispers. I nod my head in agreement.A few minuets later the music starts up again. 

"Seems like the party is back in full swing," I say.

And that is when the sirens begin.


I know it is super short, but it gives you the insight on how the whole Hannah Dexter Liz thing started up. I like the short chapters because it is really building the suspense. But please don't hate me for them!

Until next time


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