Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I stay sitting down at the pier for a while after Brant leaves. My toes are dangling in the water and small waves lap at my ankles. Sighing I decide I should probably go back to the party to make sure that the house doesn't catch on fire or something like that. I stare out onto the peaceful water and sigh as I push myself up. Somedays I really wish I could just live in the lake. I feel like it would be so peaceful under the water with no other people or any sound. Just calm water all around me. I realize that sounds really weird but I don't mean it in any suicidal way. Just the fact that I love water makes me want to live in it. I push myself off of the pier and wipe my hands on my jean shorts before turning toward the path that will take me back to my cabin.

As I walk up the pathway I can hear the sound of a thumping base and drunk teens getting louder. I can't believe I agreed to this. If my parents ever found out about this party they would kill me. It's not like it's a small party that can be kept a secret, no this party will be the big story that everyone is talking about at school.

Suddenly a hand wraps around my arm and pulls me off the trail to my house and onto a more secluded trail. I almost scream out of shock but a hand wraps over my mouth.

"Shh," a voice whispers in my ear, warm breath fanning over my neck. I can smell alcohol radiating off of whoever is holding me. I am spun around so I can see my captor and come face to face with Dexter. I almost sigh in relief that it's not some deranged drunk person but I'm still pissed at him for scaring the crap out of me.

"What are you doing Dexter?"

"I needed to talk to you," he tells me his words slurring slightly. I can tell he is pretty drunk and probably has no idea what he is doing.

"Dexter you're drunk. Let's go back to the cabin, I'll get you a water and you can try to sober up." I grab his arm and try to lead him back to the cabin.

"No I don't wanna go," he sticks his bottom lip out pouting like a toddler. "I need to talk to you. It's really, really important."

"Dexter," I sigh impatiently, "we need to get you back to the cabin. People are probably looking for you." By people I mean Hannah but I don't want to say her name.

"No one is looking for me. I told them I was going for a walk and not to worry," he smiles smuggly and I roll my eyes at this. Yeah like no one is going to worry about a drunk guy going for a walk all by himself.

"Come on let's go Dex."

"I need to talk to you," he says stubbornly.

"Fine, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't like that Brendan guy," he say shaking his head.

"Brant?" I ask.

"Whatever. Brendan, Brant same thing." He says. I roll my eyes at him.

"Why don't you like him?" I ask.

"He kissed you. I don't like when other guys kiss you," he pouts again.

"Well it's not really your place to tell me who I can and can't kiss," I tell him.

"Why not?" He asks innocently.

"Because we aren't dating. Remembered you have a girlfriend who happens to be one of my best friends."

"Yeah. But, I don't really love her. She's nice and everything but she's not... she's not..."

"She's not what?" I ask.

"You. She's not you," he says. Then he leans forward and his lips are on mine. His lips are soft but slightly chapped from spending a day in the sun. They move against mine desperately like he is drowning and I am air. I kiss him back all thoughts of how wrong this is leaving my mind.

His lips move against mine and he slowly pushes me backward until I'm leaning up against a tree. He continues to assault my lips and his tongue slips into my mouth. I let out an involuntary moan as his hands twist around in my hair. He smirks against my lips but doesn't stop kissing me. All thoughts have left my mind and I just enjoy this. This moment is ours. It doesn't matter how wrong it is. I don't even know why I was refusing this anymore. His lips leave mine and he starts to kiss my neck. He sucks on my neck and bites it softly. It feel so good and I never want him to stop. Too soon he pulls away and leans his forehead against mine.

Real life comes rushing back and I push him away.

"Don't," Dex says grabbing my hands in his. "Don't push me away, not yet."

"We can't do this." I tell him trying to pull my hands out of his.

"No, just... just stay." He begs his eyes widening and his mouth sinking into a frown.

"We can't do this," I tell him, "it's wrong."

"But how can something wrong feel so right?" he asks.

"Dexter you have a girlfriend."

"I'll leave her,' he says, "I'll do it right now."

"You always say that but you never do."

"Lizzy, don't look at me like that," he caresses my cheek. "I know I say I will, I will. This time I'll do it. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I say pulling my hands out of his.

"I will, and then we will move away just like we planned. I'll get a job at my dad's firm and you'll go to uni. We'll forget about everyone here. It'll just be us."

"Just us," I repeat.

"Just us," he leans in and captures my lips with his one more time. This time I don't fight him. We kiss for a few minutes and then I grab his hand and start pulling him back toward the lake.

"Where are we going?" he asks as he follows behind me.

"Somewhere private," I say I pull him to my treehouse and we hurriedly climb the ladder. After we are both in the treehouse I close the little door. Dexter is already on me his lips meeting mine. He pushes me back against the wall and places his hands on either side of my body affectively trapping me. I moan into the kiss as his tongue enters my mouth. Things get more intense and soon both our clothes are coming off. I need to feel his skin on mine and he seems to want the same thing.

He pulls back slightly. His fingers trace my face and he pushes my hair away from my face.

"I love you Lizzy."


Thanks for reading. I know this chapter is kind of short but I have been so busy lately with school work and sports I haven't had much time to write. Hopefully I'll have more time to write in the new year!

Comment & vote!!

until next time


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