Who Am I Now? Part 2

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I'm picking up where I left off after Rogue absorbed Cody. Watch the freak out that happens when the parties goers realize what happened to the town's sports star.

"Oh, god, no!" she shouted. "Somebody, help!" The images kept pouring into her head, until she couldn't focus anymore. She saw her friend Tara run up to her, while she shook her head violently trying to get the images out of her mind.

"Rogue, what happened?" Tara asked, but Rogue just clutched her hands on either side of her head, feeling like she was about to explode.

Rogue looked up at her friend seeing the girl was about to touch her skin. "Don't touch me!" she shouted and rose to her feet.

"What's wrong?" Tara asked in confusion, but Rogue just backed up towards the railing.

"It was her!" Kalvin shouted, pointing a finger at Rogue.

"Yeah, that bitch just tried to kill Cody," she heard another boy say. She didn't recognize him, but he was wearing the same letterman's jacket as Kalvin and Cody.

Before she knew it three boys, all jocks and probably friends of Cody's, rushed towards her. She told herself that she had to get away. But how? She had to find a means of escape. As one of the boys grabbed her, she immediately went into a defensive mode, pulling herself through the jocks blocking her way. She easily knocked one of them to the ground, while the other one stumbled but retained his control to not fall.

"Shit!" Kalvin said, watching Rogue take off down the steps of the large deck. "I thought only Cody had moves like that."

Rogue just kept running. She wanted to get away from the scene, the accusing voices, but somehow, she couldn't escape the voice in her head. It was Cody's voice. She felt like she was losing herself, like she wasn't Rogue anymore. She was someone else. She was Cody. His personality had taken over, and although she was conscious of her actions she couldn't control them. All she wanted was to be home, in the safety of her room where no one could touch her. That's where she would go. Home.

She soon approached a house. At first, she didn't recognize it. "Do I live here?" she asked out loud. "No, this isn't home. It can't be." Then something took over again, something she couldn't control.

She climbed the steps of the front porch and tried to open the door. "Damn, it's locked." She thought for a moment. She climbed on one the porch chairs reaching her arm up onto the sloping roof of the porch ceiling. There it was, the spare key.

She quickly unlocked the door and walked into the house. It was dark, but by some instinct she knew exactly where the light switch was. Had she never been here? No, she knew she hadn't, but somehow, she knew this place. She felt a growling in her stomach and walked into the kitchen and went straight for the cupboard over the sink where her favorite snack bars were hidden behind some dishes. Wait, she thought to herself. I don't even like granola bars, do I?

She took one out and returned the box to its hiding place and unwrapped the tasty snack and took a bite, then headed for the stairs. My room, she thought. She felt tired all of the sudden and wanted to lie down. She walked to the end of the hallway and opened the last door and peeked inside before entering. It looked familiar, but was it? She stepped inside, studying the room. It felt like her room, but it couldn't have been. This was more a boy's room, and she wasn't a boy.

There were sports posters hanging on the walls and a glass case on the far side by the closet filled with trophies. She also saw a metal wire mess basket full of different sporting balls: a basketball, a football and even a soccer ball. There was also a basketball hoop opposite the bed which had brown and red sheets, and then looking over toward the dresser, she noticed all the pictures sticking out at the ends of the glass mirror. It was Cody in many of the pictures. A few showed him with his teammates and friends, a few with girls. They must have been old girlfriends, she thought. One stuck out more than the others. Cody was standing next to a kid, who looked to be a younger version of himself, and in the back stood two older people, a man and a woman. It was a family picture. She pulled it out and studied it.

"This is me?" she questioned. "This is mine?" She looked around the room again. No, it can't be. She shook her head, knowing this couldn't be true.

She then heard a noise coming from downstairs, and immediately sensed that something wasn't right. She was about to go and investigate when someone or something came bursting through the door. Rogue was in a panicked state, but not so much so that she would have been frozen in her place. She readied herself for a fight.

The intruder unsheathed two sets of metal claws coming out of both of his hands. She backed up as much as she could, but she feared that the monster that stood before her was hell-bent on killing her.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" she asked, trying to reason with him.

The man with the claws steadily came towards her, his gruff voice sending chills up her spine. "You girly, I want you." At that moment he lunged towards Rogue, but she was quick to act, getting out of the line of fire just in time. He crashed through a wall which only made him angry. "Stand still and I'll make it quick. You're dealing with the X-Men now, and you ain't gotta chance."

Rogue picked up a broken board ready to defend herself. "X-Men?" She was confused by the name. She had no idea what he was talking about. "I don't understand." She was becoming angry now, and shouted at him. "I just want you to leave me alone!" She smashed the board down on his head and ran out of the room and down the stairs. He ran after her, but Rogue managed to escape him.

To Be Continued...

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