New Roommate: Part 3

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The sun filtered in through the window over the couch early that morning. Remy had awakened, not that he had gotten much sleep anyway. Not long after he had gotten up the phone rang, so he picked it up quickly not wanting to wake Rogue assuming she was still asleep.

"What is it?" he said in an abrupt voice.

"Remy, my boy, I got a job for ya," he heard a man's voice come over the phone.

"What now, pere?" he said and let out a deep sigh of frustration.

"We got a special client," Jean-Luc said, "an' I need you t'do dis job."

"Can't you get Henri or one a de ot'er boys t'do it?"

"No, Remy, it's got t'be you. Dis client don' want no slip ups. You de best so dis job's all yours, and he's willin' t'pay t'ough de teeth."

"Fine, what is it?" Remy asked, giving up the fight.

"I need you to steal a gem." Remy rolled his eyes at the thought. What was so important about a silly bobble? "It's a small green stone," Jean-Luc said.

"An emerald, dis 'bout an emerald," Remy said, trying not to raise his voice.

"It ain't no emerald," his father barked at him. Remy moved the phone away from his ear an inch or two.

"Alright, don't shout," Remy said forcefully but still quietly. "Jus' give me the specifics."

"Not sure what it is, but some guy named Lehnsherr wants it. He a mutant, like you, Remy. If he wants dat stone gotta be soemthin' powerful."

"How much money we talkin' 'bout?"

"Enough t'set you up for t'ree lifetimes," Jean-Luc said.

Remy was silent for a moment. He had done many jobs over the last few years that paid well and they were all quite dangerous, but if this man was willing to give up such a fortune the danger level of this job must be at least ten times any other jobs he pulled off.

"Okay, I'll do it," Remy said. It wasn't so much for the money but the challenge. This may be just the job to get his blood pumping.

"Henri'll come by later and give you all the details," Jean-Luc said. "And, Remy, don't screw dis up. Gotta a feeling dis man could kill ya easy if ya double cross him."

"I said I'd do it, pere. Now, you gonna trust me to do it, right?"

"Sure, Remy," Jean-Luc said and hung up the phone without saying goodbye.

It looked like Jean-Luc had roped him into another job. One of the reasons he moved out of Jean-Luc's mansion was to get a little freedom, but he felt like he was still under his father's thumb.

He put it out of his mind as he opened the refrigerator door to see what he could make for breakfast; he didn't want his pretty little house guest coming to join him with nothing to eat.


Meanwhile across town, Jean-Luc had just hung up the phone and stared up at the bright yellow eyes of a blue-skinned woman sitting with her legs crossed on his desk.

"So, did he buy it?" the woman asked him.

"'Course he did, Raven," Jean-Luc said, standing up and leaning towards the woman. "Remy can't say no t'me, part of the LeBeau charm. No one can resist, especially women."

"Don't press your luck, Jean-Luc," Raven said and jumped off the desk and onto her feet. "I want my daughter back, in one piece and uncorrupted."

"What Remy gonna do to her?" Jean-Luc questioned, coming around the desk and stopped in front of Raven. "Like you said, she untouchable."

"And she's going to stay that way," Raven said, pointing at Jean-Luc. She walked around to the window and looked about. "So, do you think he can do it?"

"Steal dat gem?" Jean Luc said. "I trained dat boy myself. He can do it, but do you care? You say the job is jus' a distraction to get him away from Anna Marie."

"It is a distraction, but..."

"But what?" Jean-Luc asked with a confused look on his face.

"That gem is real, and it's very powerful. Eric wouldn't want it if it wasn't real, so your son is going to get it for me, and Eric Lehnsherr will be none the wiser."

"So, he does know about dis gem," Jean Luc said.

"No, but he will... eventually, and by then it will be too late." Raven stared deep at the scenery outside, even at night this place was beautiful, not that she would ever tell Jean-Luc that. "Just make sure your boy doesn't screw up."

To Be Continued...

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