New Roommate: Part 4

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Rogue came out of the bedroom after having had a shower. She saw that a small round table was set. There was a plain red tablecloth and two plates sitting on it and a centerpiece which consisted a of a simple crystal vase with a red and black rose in it. Rogue couldn't help but be impressed. Was he really going through all this trouble just for her? Inside she loved all the attention, but she tried to hide that fact on the outside. She didn't want to give him any unnecessary encouragement.

"What's all this?" she asked as Remy came towards her.

"What's it look like?" Remy answered her with a question. He took her hand and led her over to the table and pulled a chair out for her and prompted her to sit down.

"So, you made me breakfast?" she asked. "Or did you order in?"

"Naw, Rogue, Remy made dis himself," he said. "Remy a good cook. Now you try some."

Rogue looked down at her plate. It looked like a simple omelet with a few sausage links on the side and some helping of hash brown potatoes. She bit into the omelet and relished the flavor of the buttery egg and bacon with just a hint of cheese.

"Mmmm...." She couldn't help from saying as she swallowed.

"Then you like, chere," Remy asked her.

"More than like," Rogue said with a smile. "This is a best omelet ah ever had. Well... besides mine."

"You cook?" Remy asked her.

"Of course, ah can," she said. "Ah had to. Momma wasn't much of a cook and she was never home much anyway... and my aunt. She's blind, so cooking wasn't her strong point. So, I thought ah better learn, or we all might starve to death."

"You miss dem?" Remy asked.

"Sometimes, but I had t'leave. If ah didn't then..."

"Den what?" Remy asked her.

"Ah just don't want my Aunt Irene getting' in trouble 'cause a me, so ah left. Jus' seems no matter what trouble follows. Tara, she's mah best friend she always said we were prone to it, so why fight it."

She laughed a little, but she had to admit that she missed her old life. Hanging out with Tara and Bruno on a Saturday night, nothing big just hanging out at the graveyard downing a bottle of Tequila Tara copped from her mother's liquor cabinet, and then trying to cover up the alcohol on her breath so Irene wouldn't find out. It never worked. Then she found herself grounded for the next two weeks and had to hear a lecture from Irene on the dangers of drinking.

"Dere's always some kind of trouble in dis here town," he said. "So why you choose t'come here?"

She hesitated for a moment, and then took a sip of her orange juice. "Well, it was the first bus out of town." She kind of laughed at that. "So, I guess it was all coincidence."

"Naw, it was fate," Remy said. "Just look. You met me, chere."

"Well, that's true," she said but looked a little skeptical. She finished off the last of her food. "That was delicious."

"Want so more?" Remy asked her.

"Oh, no, if ah eat another bite, I think ah might bust," Rogue said. She got up from the table and excused herself to the bathroom.

As she entered through the bedroom, she noticed something sitting on the nightstand. It was her necklace. She thought it was in her jacket pocket. She picked it up and examined it and remembered the clasp being broken, but somehow it was fixed. She thought Remy may have had something to do with it, and if he had he must have come in on her while she was sleeping. She put the necklace back on the nightstand and walked into the bathroom. When she was done, she ran a brush through her hair and put her hair up in a ponytail, only a few of her white hairs fell freely.

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