School Daze: Part 1

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This scene will involve Kitty and Tara. I'm going to show a hint of their budding friendship. So please enjoy.

Chapter Eleven: School Daze

Kitty woke early and saw that Tara was still snoozing. Her new roommate was a quiet sleeper but a sound one. So much so that she didn't even hear the alarm, which was like fingernails on a chalkboard to Kitty. She tried to turn it off, but she wasn't thinking straight this early in the morning and phased her hand through and accidentally shorted it out.

"Not again," Kitty said and threw herself on the bed and pulled the pillow over her head.

Kitty continued to throw a fit until she heard giggling from the other side of the room. She peeked out from her pillow to see Tara sitting cross-legged on her bed laughing at her. Her half dragonfly half fairy wings were fluttering casually, not enough to lift her off the ground but enough to cause a slight breeze in the room.

"Hey, I just thought of something," Kitty said as she lay there on her bed looking at the ceiling.

"Yeah, what's that?" Tara asked as she sat up. She was wearing a black nightshirt with a V collar but put on backwards to leave her wings free. She found that if she didn't restrain them at night, they were easier to control when she needed to hide them during the day.

"When the weather is hot and with your wings, we could like have an in instant fan in here."

Tara picked up the pillow and threw it at her. Kitty laughed seeing that she missed her head, and it made Tara laugh too. She threw it back, but Tara caught it easily.

"If you want to know, most if the time they're a pain."

"How can you say that?" Kitty cried out in shock. "They are so cool."

"So is your power, and you don't have to carry these things on your back." She thought back to Mississippi before this all happened. "Rogue always said me and her were different, and someday the world would see it."

"Rogue?" Kitty questioned. "I've heard that name." She paused for a moment. "Wait a minute. She was the one we fought in Mississippi."

"I know," Tara said and looked sad. "We don't know where she is right now. The last time I heard from her, she was in New Orleans, but she said she was leaving there."

"How long ago was that?" Kitty asked.

"Weeks," Tara said and hopped off the bed. She was determined to put those sad thoughts behind her and get on with business. "So, we have that training thing before school today, right?" Tara made an attempt to change the subject, even though she was still hurting for her lost friend.

"Yeah, you'll be training with Storm, since she's the only other flier on our team," Kitty said and Tara looked worried. "Hey, is there something wrong?"

"Not really, I'm just afraid I'm going to mess up," Tara said and felt her wings fluttering behind her. "I can't always control these things, and what if flying isn't the only thing. I heard of mutant getting multiple powers and if that happens how do I deal with that when I can't even hardly deal with these?"

"Tara, don't stress so much," Kitty said and thought back giving a little laugh. "When I first got here, I was terrible. On my first day I phased through the Danger Room's main computer and the whole place went wacko. The professor had to shut everything down for a few days."

"Ouch! That's rough," Tara said.

"Don't worry, they'll take it easy on you since it's your first day," Kitty said and gathered the clothes she needed. "Now, let's get dressed."

Both Kitty and Tara was the first to shower on the girl's floor, and it would be the first time Tara would be wearing her X-Men uniform. It was custom made to accommodate her wings. They were an appendage she was still getting used to, but she did agree with Kitty on some level that they were kind of cool.

Jean rapped on the bathroom door just as Tara was finishing up. She put her dark hair in a ponytail so it would be out of her way during training, and she wore very little makeup. She would put on her usual face after their session. There was no point in putting on a full face of makeup, if she was just going to sweat it all off. She walked out with her black X-men uniform on, along with her black boots and her wings were in a relaxed position.

As she came out into the hallway, she looked over at Jean who was standing in the doorway of the bathroom. "So how do I look?" Tara asked and gave a spin.

"Fantastic," the red-haired teenage girl said. "Now all you need is a code name."

"I already got one," Tara said with a certain array of confidence.

"Oh, really, do you mind telling?" Jean asked with a smile on her face.

"Black Fairy," she said and waited for a response.

"That's cool," she said and closed the door.

Kitty was waiting for her in their room. They had a few minutes before they had to go in for their early morning training, and she wanted to get her school stuff together. She looked up when Tara came in the room. "Wow! You look great."

"Thanks! I like the uniform," she said as she looked at herself in the full-length mirror that hung on the wall. "It's very comfortable."

"They have to be with all the weird stuff we do," Kitty said, sounding sarcastic without really trying to be. "So, are you ready?"

"I think so, but I'm still a little nervous," she said as Kitty led her out the door.

"Don't worry," Kitty said and led her down the hall. "It'll be a piece of cake."

To Be Continued...

That's it for this part. Next part will be Tara and Bruno's first training session. I'm not sure what I'm going to have them do. Any suggestions?

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