New Roommate: Part 5

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"Now, 'bout dis job," Henri said, and pulled out a thick file out of his coat. The floor plans are all dere, look 'em over before you go in half-cocked."

"A course I'll look at dem," Remy said almost yelling. "I ain't stupid."

"Good, de best time to strike is tonight. Security's low. De assassins still lookin' for dat missin' girl. Must be some prize ta bring in dere best trackers for de job."

"So, dis building belong to de assassins?" Remy asked, but he already knew the answer.

"Yeah, so stay focused," Henri said. "Just 'cause security is low don't mean there ain't none. Plus, don' let that fem is dere distract you. She is a hot one. I wouldn't mind..."

"Shut your filthy mouth, Henri," Remy said with a glare in his eye. "An' don't you be lookin' at her de way you was lookin.'"

"What? You donna beat the shit outta me for lookin' at your girl."

"Maybe, den I'll tell Mercy," Remy said.

Henri had a look of horror on his face. "Ah, no, Remy, don' do dat. Last time she caught me lookin' at a girl I couldn't eat at her place for a month, nearly starved t'death."

"Back to de job. Tell pere it'll be done tonight," Remy said.

"Fine," Henri said. "An' don't mess up."

Remy rolled his eyes as Henri left. He locked the door behind him. Remy walked over to the bedroom door and knocked. "Chere, you decent?"

"Yeah," she said. "Come on in." He opened the door to see her sitting on the bed reading a book.

"Ah hope you don't mind I borrowed one of your books off the shelf," she said and put it down on the nightstand.

"You can read den books all you like," he said sitting down next to her. "Remy don't mind." He tried to get close to her, but she looked nervous. "Somethin' wrong?"

"No, but... ummm... but ah was wonderin' what did your brother want?" Rogue asked, but Remy had a feeling that wasn't what was on her mind.

"Just work stuff, dat's all," he said. "Look, chere, I gotta go out for a while. Promise me you'll stay here."

"Can ah go with you?" she asked.

"Non, it too dangerous for you ta be out dere now. Just stay here, an' I'll be back soon. I promise."

"Okay," she said looking disappointed. Remy kissed her gloved hand before getting up to leave. She sat there for a few minutes before hearing the outer door close.

Rogue sat on the bed for a while reading her book. It was one from Remy's small library. It was a vampire book she hadn't had a chance to read. She was so enthralled by the story that she lost tract of time, and by the time she looked up at the clock it was almost dinner time. Remy had been gone the whole day and she had no idea when he would return. She felt a grumbling in her stomach and got up off the bed and walked towards the kitchen. She was just about to open the refrigerator when there came a knock at the door.

Rogue was suddenly nervous. If it were Remy, he would just have walked in. She wondered who it could be. She quietly walked towards the door and looked through the keyhole. There was a blonde woman standing there with two foam food containers. It was the woman from the diner. What was her name, Masey, no Mercy, that was it.

"Rogue, sweetie, are you in dere," she called out. "Remy asked me to come an' keep you company. Dat all right? He's jus' a little tied up at the moment."

After hearing her explanation, Rogue decided to take a chance and open the door. She only cracked it open to see Mercy's smiling face. "Come on, girl, an' open dat door. I got hot food in my hands."

Rogue quickly opened the door enough for her to come in. I got dinner for two and all the chick flicks we can watch."

"What did you say?" Rogue asked. She hated chick flicks.

"Just kidding, honey," she said. "Besides you look like the horror type. How about dis one?" She handed it to her after she put the food down on the counter.

It was Interview with a Vampire, her favorite. She held onto the DVD tight as Mercy searched the kitchen for the proper dinnerware. That's when Rogue noticed something on the floor. She picked it up and examined it. It looked like a blue print to a building. She knew that place. She passed it on her first day in town. It was an old mansion. Then she remembered Remy saying he and his brother were discussing work. When he had asked her to go into the bedroom, she spent the entire time listening at the door. That was the place he went to, and if he was going there it surely meant trouble. Without this blueprint, he might not get out of it. She folded up the paper and put it in her pocket.

"Uhh... Mercy, can we skip the dinner and a movie thing, ah gotta go out."

"Oh, no, Rogue, Remy specifically told me to keep an eye on you, not to let you out of my sight."

"Ah don't need a babysitter," she shouted. "There's someplace ah gotta get to, an' I'm goin'."

"Like I said," Mercy said blocking the door. "I ain't lettin' you out of my sight."

"Fine, then you're comin' along," Rogue said and grabbed her hand. She reached the doorknob as Mercy tried to stop her.

"Jus' where you need ta go dat's so important?"

"Treasure huntin', Rogue said as Mercy backed up enough for Rogue to get through the door opening. Rogue ran down the hallway with Mercy chasing after her.

Thanks for reading. There's more trouble ahead in the next chapter when Rogue follows Remy on his "job." Henri and Mercy also find themselves in a mess of trouble too. More romance ahead, while running from some very angry assassins. See you next time.

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