Gift of Friendship: Part 4

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Marianne led Anna Marie down the stairs and out to the backyard, and saw the boys playing ball and couldn't wait to join in. "Hey, boys," she said. Remy was the first one to look up. He had a big smile on his face at seeing her.

"Hi, Anna," he said, walking up to her. "T'ought you were never gonna wake up."

"Well, ah'm here now," she said and Remy walked closer to the other boys. "So, what are we playin'?"

"We don't play wid girls," one of the boys said. He was a few inches taller than Anna Marie, and she assumed a few years older.

"Henri, don't be so mean," another one said. He was small statured about Anna Marie's age. He had the ball in his hand, which was quickly snatched away by Henri.

"Stay outta dis, Emil," Henri said. "You know de rules."

"Then maybe ya should write some new ones," Anna Marie said with a slight snarl in her voice.

"Don' need to," Henri said, meeting her face to face. "Everybody know dat girls are sissies. Ya knock 'em down an' de cry. Ain't dat right, Theo?"

"Sometimes, Henri, but remember when Julien beat on you. Ya moaned for weeks it hurt so bad," Theo said with a smirk.

"Shut up!" Henri yelled at him. "Data ain't de way it happened."

"I was dere," Theo said, contradicting him. "I saw de whole t'ing, so did Entienne and Emil."

"Shut up!" he said louder, slamming the ball to the ground.

Anna Marie was laughing at the amusing story but quickly picked up the ball and got in a few dribbles. "So, we gonna play or what?"

"I'm in," Remy said.

"Me too," Emil added. "I don't mind playin' wid a girl, 'specially one as pretty as you."

"Don't be cute," Anna Marie said. "Or ah'll wipe the floor with ya."

"Let's just all shut up and play some dodge ball," Theo said.

"She can't play," Henri chimed in, "not wid dat stupid t'ing around her neck. She gonna have ta take it off."

"Ah will not," Anna Marie fired at him. "Remy gave it to me as a present, won it from one of the game vendors in town."

"Ohhh," Henri said teasing. "Did ya now. I guess she Remy's little girlfriend." The rest of the boys made hollering sounds and cat calls, while Henri pantomimed by kissing the air. "Remy and Anna..." he started to say in a sing-song voice.

"Shut up!" Remy shouted at them. "Anna's my sister."

"Yeah, right," Henri said. "Is dat the de lie you told pere. He don' believe dat for a moment."

"You're right," Anna Marie said. "He ain't my brother, but ah can still beat ya at dodge ball."

"I doubt dat," Henri said, "but bring it on, petite fille. Let's see what ya got."

Anna Marie took her stance and threw the ball. Henri barely dodged it as he threw himself to the ground and rolled a few times, before getting back up again. She was not impressed by his antics.

The game continued with Anna Marie outing both Emil and Etienne, while Henri on an attempt to out her hit Theo instead. It was down to three and Anna Marie had the ball. It was either Remy or Henri. She threw the ball towards the two boys, Remy diving out of the way as Henri was hit.

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