New Roommate: Part 1

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Chapter Seven: New Roommate

The ride on Remy's bike seemed like it took forever, but Rogue was still reeling from the attack. She kept going over and over it in her mind. Why would a bunch of assassins come after her? She was new in town, only had arrived a few days ago. There was only one explanation, her accursed powers, and since they hadn't killed her which they could have done quite easily, they must have wanted to exploit her. That more than anything made her angry. After all that had happened to her in the last few days, Rogue figured it would be a long time before she would be able to trust someone again, but here she was trusting a guy she barely knew.

She held onto him tight as they road down the street. He made a sharp turn down a side street and road into a parking garage next to an old brownstone building. He parked the bike and got off and helped her off.

"Hope de ride wasn't too bumpy," he said in an apologetic tone.

"No, it was fine," she said as she removed her helmet and handed it to Remy. "Ah like bikes... better than cars."

"Yeah, me too," he said as he helped her with her things. She managed to fit everything into two bags. There was one large shopping bag, and her duffel bag which she had strapped to her back. She removed it at Remy insistence and took it from her.

He led her to the elevator and waited for it to open. When it finally did, they stepped in, and Remy pushed the button to the tenth floor. Rogue wanted to say something, but right now small talk didn't seem appropriate. She just couldn't say what was really going on in her mind, but as they stood in the elevator, she caught him staring at her. For a few moments she casually looked over at him. Then she shyly looked away, which she hoped he didn't notice.

To Her relief the elevator opened, and he took her hand and led her down the long hallway. He stopped at the last door at the end and quickly opened it and led her inside. She looked around to see that it was quite luxurious, having lush emerald green carpet with the walls painted dark red and black leather furniture. There was also a full entertainment center with a satellite receiver and DVD recorder. This guy couldn't have been more than a few years older than her, and she wondered how he was able to afford such luxuries. Then she thought that he most likely came from a wealthy family.

"So, you like it?" he asked, but she was speechless for a good long minute before he attempted to lighten the mood. "It ain't much, but it's home."

"What do ya mean, ain't much?" Rogue asked as he offered her a seat. "It's the nicest place ah've ever seen."

"Glad you like it," he said and stood up. "You want somet'ing ta drink?"

"Yeah," Rogue said a little nervously. "A soda?"

He smiled back at her while reaching into the refrigerator and grabbed a can. He took out a beer for himself and poured it into a glass with a few ice cubes and walked back over to the couch.

"Thanks," was all she could say and turned away from him shyly. After a few moments of silence, she spoke up. "Can ah ask ya somthin'?"

"What you wanna know?" he asked as he gulped down his beer.

"Why did ya save me?" He looked a little confused by the question. "Ah mean, well, why are ya helpin' me so much? Ah mean ya don't even know me."

"'Cause you needed it," he said, but his answer confused her even more. "After what happened wid Julien, I knew dey be comin' for you sooner or later."

"How do ya know that?" she asked still confused.

"'Cause I know assassins, he said leaning towards her. "Dey don't stop until de job is done."

Remy's words sent chills up and down her spine so badly that the glass that she held shook in her hands. He came closer to her taking the glass that placing it on the coffee table and put his arm around her. "Don' you worry t'ough. I won't let not'ing happen ta you."

"How're you gonna stop 'em?" she asked with fright in her eyes. "Who knows how many will come next time?"

"Dey won't come here," he said trying reassure her. "My family owns dis place, no assassins allowed." She looked around like she expected someone to come up and grab her. "Dis place is protected."

"But how you know they won't send someone to sneak in?" Remy didn't say anything which added to her apprehension. "Ah'm scared, an' ah don't know what they want or why, and ah..."

"Stop worryin'," he said and stroked her hair. "You look tired, Chere. T'ink you should get some sleep."

"Where am ah...?"

"In de bedroom," he said, and she stiffened for a moment. "Don' worry. You take the bedroom, and I'll sleep on the couch."

"No, ah couldn't do that. Ah can't kick ya outta your own bed."

"Den what you suggest?" he asked, a sly look in his eye.

"Well, I'll take the couch," she said but he slowly shook his head. "It's only fair, an' ah should pay ya something for lettin' me stay here."

"Ah, no," Remy said and rose to his feet. "You're my guest, so you go on in the bedroom." He took her hand prompting her to stand up and led her through the door. "An' I wouldn't even t'ink a chargin' you."

"Alright, you win," she said as he picked up her bags that were laying a few feet away. He handed them to her which she reluctantly took.

"If you need some help changin' I could offer my services," he said and winked at her.

"Ah think ah can manage," she said and shut the door in his face. She could hear him chuckling from the other side of the door.

To Be Continued...

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