School Daze: Part 3

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Note: This scene takes place at the same time as the last one.

Gambit was waiting outside with Evan and Kurt showing them his famous card tricks. The two teenagers were mesmerized by his skill with the cards and his quick hands. Just when they thought they had the trick figured out he turned it around and did something unexpected. Just as the three boys were relaxing and bonding, Logan walked up and had a serious look on his face.

"Enough screwing around," he said and gave them each a stern look. "Time to get down to business. Now, who's up for a hunt?"

"What are we hunting?" Evan asked.

With a sly smirk Logan pointed his finger right at Remy. "Him."

Gambit had a grin on his face that said he liked that idea. In his life as a thief, he was used to being hunted, so he saw this kind of training as pure fun. "Alright, Gumbo, you get a ten-minute head start."

Remy rolled his eyes at that nickname. He gave them one last look and took off into the woods leaving the others far behind. Gambit didn't need a watch to know when the hunter would be hunting for their prey. He could figure out in his mind how much time he had. Compared with the things that he had seen and done over the years these kids were still green, although he thought the blue boy would have a few unforeseen tricks up his sleeve, seeing he was a teleporter and they were always tricky. One could never tell where they were going to pop up...literally.

He had his cards ready and his staff in hand. He jumped up into a high tree and practiced his stealth skills. Remy listened closely to differentiate the natural sounds that were found in the ordinary everyday woods then that of the foreign noises like the footsteps, voices or plain bodily noises of his new teammates. He could hear them a few feet away. His hearing wasn't as good as Logan's, but it was twice as good as an average human. It was years of training as a thief that made it possible.

He held his position, keeping his cool until Spike and Nightcrawler were standing right over him. He threw a card and leapt from the tree where he was perched in. He used his bow staff to steady himself and landed easily on his feet. Spike fell backwards when the card exploded hitting the ground between two trees, but Nightcrawler teleported away before the card hit the ground and reappeared on Gambit's back. He leapt into the air with the crawler still attached, but they were both teleported and ended up in a tree. Nightcrawler lost his balance, and Gambit leapt down from the tree landing on the ground feet first, never once losing his balance.

Logan wasn't too far away and gave a long drawn out clap. "Not bad, Gumbo," he said as Gambit came towards him.

"De name's Gambit," he said with a smirk. "Remember it."

"Don't be a smartass," Logan said as Remy leaned against a tree and reshuffled his cards.

Spike stumbled down the trail as Nightcrawler teleported right in front of Logan.

"We wiped out," he said, trying to make light of the situation.

"Special training for you and Porcupine this Saturday," Logan said and there was a look of horror on Kurt's face.

"Not the obstacle course again," Kurt cried out in horror.

"Yep, and with a few new traps I've added," Logan added with a look of pride on his face. Both boys groaned, but Gambit looked like it was something he would like to tackle. "You too, Gambit," he said, making sure to emphasize his name. "Now, everyone, get changed and down to breakfast, or you'll be late for school."

As they all took the walk back to the building to have breakfast before leaving for the day both Evan and Kurt congratulated Remy on winning the game that day, but they didn't know that was Remy's specialty. There wasn't a game yet that he couldn't win.

To Be Continued...

In the next scene it's off the school. I house full of mutant teens in a human high school. What can happen?

A Rogue's TaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora