Revelations: Part 3

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Rogue looked nervous seeing that this was the clawed man that she once thought attacked her, but she knew the truth now that it wasn't him at all but Mystique pretending to be him.

"So, this is where you've been disappearing to," he said and came closer. Rogue looked worried not sure about what this man would do.

"It's not what you t'ink," Remy said and had a protective arm around her.

"So, she's not your girlfriend?" Logan asked, but Rogue had a guilty look on her face.

"You gonna rat us out, Logan?" Remy asked.

"Is there a reason why I shouldn't?" he asked. "After all, she is with the Brotherhood." Now they both wore guilty looks on their faces. "Isn't she?"

"Well... yes and no," Rogue said, hesitantly coming closer to him. She was still a little scared but running away now would only make things worse. "I found out that Mystique has been lyin' to me."

"Go on," Logan said.

"Ah know it wasn't the X-Men who attacked me back home. It was her," Rogue said, looking at him apologetically.

"Dat ain't all she did," Remy said. There was a bit of rage in his eyes, more than normal. "She had Rogue's memory wiped and she was druggin' her to keep her from rememberin'. Tara found out 'bout it. Den I had it analyzed. I still haven't told her what Sabrina found out."

"Who's Sabrina?" Rogue asked, looking a little perturbed.

"I told you dat she was de one who was testin' dat drug," Remy said, trying to avoid a fight.

"What is this all about?" Logan asked, very much confused about everything that was going on.

"Only dat Mystique is more dangerous den we know. She was givin' Rogue a drug dat would a killed her eventually, and I'm tryin' to convince Rogue to leave dat place."

"I agree," Logan said and looked over at Rogue. "So, what do you say? There's a place for ya with the X-Men."

"That would be nice, but ah can't... not yet," she said. "Ah gotta know the truth."

"What you're doin' is dangerous, kid," Logan said.

"Ah know," Rogue said in a low voice. "Ah just... ah have t'do this."

"Then we'll be watchin' your back," he said and held out his hand. She took it not hesitating this time. "Just one more thing, what do you know about the elf?"

"How did you...?" Remy asked not able to finish the question.

"Let's just say I got good ears," Logan said as Rogue rolled her eyes.

"Ah think his momma might be Mystique."

"How's that possible?" Logan asked.

"A letter," she said. "Ah kinda broke into her office and did some snooping. She had all this stuff on Kurt, personal stuff and a letter written in German. I think written by his father. Ah'm not sure if she really is his momma, but the letter implied it... if it's real."

"You got the letter?" Logan asked Rogue.

"Ah gave it to Remy," she said looking over at him.

"It's in my room, but you'll never find it where I hid it," Remy said with a look of satisfaction. "If it ain't real dere ain't no point telling blue boy about it."

"I planned on slowing it to the professor," Logan said. "Any objection to that?"

"Non, just don't tell him you got it from me," Remy said "...or from Rogue.

"Fair enough," Logan said. "So, when can I get this letter?"

"When I get back," Remy said and Logan didn't look happy about that. "Right now, Rogue and I want to spend some private time together. Remy looked at his phone and saw that it was almost 8 o'clock. We only got a few hours to be together."

"Fine, but I'll be waitin' when you get back and don't break curfew...again," he said, pointing a finger at his fugitive pupil.

"See you later, Wolverine," Remy said and heard the man grunt.

Logan left them alone which Remy was grateful for. "So, what do we do now?" Rogue asked.

"We have a proper date," he said and led her to his motorcycle.

"Where are we going?" Rogue asked, folding her arms over her chest and refusing to get on.

"It's a surprise," he said and tried to pry her arms apart. "Come on, chere. Let Remy show you a good time."

"And what is someone sees us?" she asked. She let him take one of her hands, but she was still hesitant to comply with his wishes.

"Ain't no one we know gonna see us where we're going, so would you just trust me?" He gave her his famous smolder of his, but she didn't want to give in. Still, she was curious about where he wanted to take her.

"Alright," she said slowly and then got on the back of his bike. She held on tight as his started up the machine and took off. She put her life in the hands of this crazy Cajun, but there was no place she would rather be.

In the next scene Rogue and Remy have their first official date. Where will they go?

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