Keeping Up the Pretense: Part 2

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Her next class seemed like a godsend since she didn't have to deal with those cheerleaders, but there was still whispers and laughter when she passed by. She had to remind herself to kill Pietro when she had the chance.

It wouldn't be a good idea to fess up the truth that her and Fred were only friends and that she was actually dating someone else. If Mystique knew she would find a way to separate them for good, and she couldn't stop her investigation until the truth was exposed.

Lunch time came, and she made a quick appearance in the lunchroom where Fred had been waiting for her. They had to do everything they could to make everyone think they were a real couple and walking hand in hand would do the trick.

For most people hearing the rumor was one thing but seeing made it all the more real. They sat down at the table together Fred having his usual ten servings and Rogue having a modest lunch.

She looked up and saw Remy across the lunchroom. He didn't look happy to see her sitting there with Fred acting like she was his girl. She could see that he was jealous and hoped that he didn't do anything stupid.

"Excuse me, Fred," she said and got up out of her seat. "Ah need to go to the ladies' room."

"Sure, but be back before your lunch gets cold," he said and then shoved more food into his mouth. He always brought a large fork and spoon seeing that normal sized utensils were much too small.

Fred watched her as she left the lunch room but he also noticed that X-Man, the one they called Gambit left the lunchroom too. Fred wasn't the smartest person in the world, but he wasn't stupid either. He had the feeling that there was something going on.

Rogue walked down to the girl's bathroom and walked in. It was one of the bathrooms that was rarely used since it was down a remote hallway. She looked up and saw Remy enter the bathroom a she had a small smile on her face.

"Finally got away from Blob Boy?" he asked but she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"He's not that bad," Rogue said and came close to him. "In fact, he's a good friend."

"I know, but after hearing' all de crap people been sayin' 'bout you and him..."

"It ain't true," Rogue said and put her arms about him. "You're the only one ah love."

He held her tight for a few seconds until he heard someone step through the door. Rogue looked over and saw that it was Fred. "What's going on here?"

"Fred, this isn't what it looks like," she said but she really didn't know what he was thinking.

"This X-geek bothering you?" Fred said and came towards them. "No one messes with Rogue while I'm around."

"Fred, don't," Rogue said, trying to calm him down. "Remy wouldn't hurt me."

"I don't believe that," Fred said and reached over and grabbed Remy by the collar.

"Enough talk. It's time for action." He threw Remy against the far wall adjacent to the sinks.

"No," Rogue said and rushed towards him. She knelt down to see if he was okay. "Remy, speak to me."

"I'm fine, chere, but he ain't," he said staggering to his feet. "Not for long."

"Bring it on!" Fred shouted and Remy charged a card. Fred laughed at that. "You can't hurt me. I'm the Blob."

"More like a puddle," Remy said and threw the card. It hit Fred and propelled him back against the door.

Fred got up after a few seconds and was about to retaliate but was stopped when Rogue stepped in between them and held out her arms. Her gloves were off and she had an intense look in her eyes.

"Stop it both of ya, or ah'll drain ya both!" The glare in her eye told Remy she was dead serious.

Fred looked scared knowing that when her temper was up no one around her was safe.

"I'm just coming to your defense," Fred said and tried to approach her, but she wasn't backing down.

"You don't need to protect me from Remy. He's my..."

Suddenly something dawned on Fred. "Oh, Rogue, are you saying this is the guy...?"

"Well," she said not wanting to spill the beans. Remy came towards her with another card in hand.

"We better tell 'em, put an end to dis farce," Remy said.

"He's the guy you been seeing," Fred said and scratched his head. "Never figured you'd go for an X-Man." He looked a little hurt. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's complicated, but Remy and ah been together for a long time even before ah came to Bayville. Please, Freddie, you can't tell anyone... especially Mystique."

"What is this about?" Fred asked, coming around to inspect Rogue's taste in men. "Why shouldn't I tell her right now that you're a traitor."

'Cause she's the one who betrayed me," Rogue said, and she was sure she convinced Fred that she was telling the truth. "Please, Fred, don't tell her. Do this for me."

"Well, okay, but only for you, not for this riff raff," Fred said and looked disgusted. The bell rang, and Fred left the bathroom giving Remy one last dirty look.

Remy looked over at Rogue after he was gone. "T'ink he'll say anyt'ing?"

"Naw, he wouldn't do that," Rogue said as Remy took her hand. He had gloves on so it was safe.

"He likes you," Remy said and there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes. "Don' like de way he looks at you."

"Like what?" Rogue asked confused.

"Like you're his," he said and those words disgusted her.

"Ah don't belong to anyone but me," she said and glared at him. "Ah'm with you because ah wanna be. Remember that."

She picked up her bag and walked out of the slightly damaged bathroom. He smirked and shook his head, remembering the reason he fell in love with her in the first place.

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