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Manuel's POV

I yawned, stretching my body. Trainings will start only in three hours, so I have a lot of time. After having a breakfast I turned on my mac, hoping to read something interesting from news. To be honest, I like to read what people think about me. That's why I started writing my name on Google. 

-''Let's see'', - I mumbled, looking through some pages. When I said I like to read about myself, I didn't mean I like to read opinion of experts. 

I want to read what usual people do think, because to be honest, I care more about their opinion. 

Their critic usually helps me a lot to improve myself. I froze as I read one of headliners. 

''Manuel Neuer was spotted with his new girlfriend searching new inspiration''.

 I clicked on it, already knowing what I'm going to see. Oh god. That picture. My eyebrows furrowed as on some pictures I could see her face very properly. That sucks. I looked through the whole article, which was mainly based on the theme that I have new girlfriend. 

I gripped my teeth, not knowing what should I do. And 'new inspiration'? Seriously? That's how people call porn nowadays? I bet if this is on internet, then people already know it, which means my brother knows it and if he knows then I should expect call from my mom. 

Another sigh and my phone buzzed. Sometimes I think that I definitely should try to go on some intuition show. I already won ''Who wants to be a Millioner?'', so maybe I should try something else? 

-''Good morning, mom'', - I answered, not even looking at the number. I know that it is her. 

-''Hello Manu. How are you?''. She tried not to sound excited, but she is awful actress. 

I know that all she wants to know is about this girl. I don't blame her, since I broke up with Kate two years passed and I haven't been in relationships and as I'm 29 she's worried about that.

- ''I'm good mom, how are you?'', - I asked politely, going to my room to pick some clothes.

-''I'm good honey, thank you. Manu, me and your brother saw some pictures of you and a girl picking...hm...whatever you were picking'', - she mumbled and I felt myself blushing. Oh god. 

-''Mom-'', - I started, but she cut me off: 

-''I don't judge you, I understand. I really do''. I rolled my eyes, sitting on the bed. This is getting ridiculous.

-''Mom, it's no-'', - but I was interrupted again. 

-''That's completely okay and she looks nice, I would like to meet her soon''. My mouth hang open. Meet her soon? What? Swallowing, I decided to try again. 

-''Listen, mom she's no-''.

- ''Oh, honey, stop telling your excuses! Manu, I want to meet her. Maybe tomorrow at seven in our house? You can both come to the dinner!''. She sounded so excited and happy. 

I sighed. My mom was a bit ill for past year and because of that, I never heard her in such a good mood. I love her with all my heart and I would do anything to hear her cheerful voice. But now I think I need to crush her dreams about my new girlfriend. 

-''Mom, don't interrupt me. She's not my girlfriend, okay?'', - I asked, keeping my tone strict, so she would understand that I'm not joking. There was a three second silence and then she spoke: 

-''Then why did you want to buy those...you know what, with some stranger?''. Shit. That's the point. 

-''Emm, it wasn't actually like that'', - I mumbled, feeling a bit dismissed. I don't want to tell her the whole story. 

-''Manuel Peter Neuer, I can't believe that you had just lied to me about your girlfriend! There is no need to say that you two are not dating just because I saw you buying this. Anyways, I'm getting ready for the dinner. I hope she likes fish''. 

And line went off. Yes, simple like that. I stared at my phone, my mind almost exploding with the amount of information. I need to find her. I need to fucking find this girl.

Flashing Lights |Manuel Neuer| EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now