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-"Hurry, Hurry!". Selena smiled, quickly taking Marita's hand in hers. 

This match is very very important and they both should already be there. Traffic was awful, so they end up being late. Selena bite her lower lip, being nervous. Two great rivals, BVB and Bayern, match that matters everything to Manuel – and she is late. 

-"Honey, relax", - Marita spoke softly, caressing her hand.

Girl smiled, still being nervous. She knows how Manuel needs her to be there. How he just needs to know that she is there, watching and supporting him. And now she is not. Marita smiled, looking at the girlfriend of his son. 

Never, she never liked his girlfriends, starting even from the high school. But Selena is different and she loved this girl with all her heart. 

-"We will be there in matter of seconds", - she said and Selena shocked her head, pointing on the cars all around them. 

-"Match already started", - she blurted out, sighing. Marita shocked her head, chuckling. Those two were so so in love with each other, that made her heart swell.

-"Maybe there is another road?", - Selena asked from the driver and he looked at her, raising one eyebrow. 

-"Miss, even if I will choose to go with another road I should turn here and as you can see it is impossible". Selena growled, looking at the watches. 

-"Marita", - she called, turning her head to Manuel's mother. 

-"Yes?", - she asked, calmly sitting on the seat. 

Selena took a deep breath before asking: 

-"How about going there by feet?". Marita's eyes widened and she titled her head. 

Girl blushed and looked down, feeling her cheeks burning. Older woman chuckled and opened the door of the car. 

-"Let's go then", - she said, making Selena smile wide. 

-"Hey, hey, where do you think you are going?", - driver screamed, but both women already closed the door and hugged each other, going to the stadium.

Manuel felt himself just trapped. He always feels like that in the matches against BVB. That's why they are so important to him: he needs to learn how to stop feeling this way. He knows how much this match means to his team, to the fans. And when they play against BVB, Manuel can't even have a rest for a second. And now again, when he sees someone from rival team running to the goal, he squints, trying to predict his movements. It was Reus, which wasn't surprising. 

Defenders blocked him, so he passed ball to Auba and Manuel threw himself to the left, touching the ball with tips of his fingers, but not stopping it. 

-"Oh god", - he breathed out, when the whole stadium cheered, because of the goal. 

-"It's okay", - Hummels mouthed, but Neuer shocked his head. No, it's not okay and everyone knows that. 

The Goalkeeper sighed and turned his head to the left, looking at the empty VIP cabin. His eyebrows furrowed at the thought that something may have happened and that's why his mom and love are still not there. 

-"Neuer, concentrate!". He nodded to the coach and shocked his head, swallowing. Concentrate.

-"Are you alright?" - Selena asked, looking at Marita. She nodded and straighten up, going to the guards. They quickly leaded them to the VIP cabin. 

-"Well, at least we're here in the break, - she said, pulling off her coat. Selena didn't reply on that, her eyes searching for her boyfriend. 

-"I will go to the locker room, he's probab-". 

-"Selena!". She turned around and was lifted up by Manuel. She inhaled his scent, smiling and wrapping her arms around his neck. 

-"Oh god, I was so worried that something happened", - he whispered in her ear, kissing her cheeks. Selena wanted to say something, but then noticed sadness in his eyes and raised an eyebrow. 

-"Manu?", - she asked, looking worriedly. 

-"I suffered one goal", - he mumbled quietly, looking down. 

-"Oh baby", - she whispered, hugging him tight. He hugged her back, hiding his face in her hair. 

Her presence made him feel way more better than he did. He let go and went to his mom, hugging her too. 

-"Don't worry Manu, someone will score, I'm sure", - Marita spoke and he nodded, not being sure what to say on that. He took a quick glance to the clock and sighed. 

-"I gotta go. I'm glad you two made it here in safety", - he said and went to Selena, pecking her lips once more. 

-"I love you", - she said and he smiled, feeling his heart racing in his chest. 

-"I love you too", - he whispered and went out, running to the pitch. Marita smiled, sitting on the seat. 

-"I bet he won't suffer any more goals", - she said confidently and Selena sit near her.

And he didn't. Yes, they won, With two goals from lewy and other from Thomas, but he didn't suffer any more goals, making amazing saves that made whole stadium cheer. Selena opened the door, running down to see her boyfriend.

-"Manu!". He turned around and opened his arms, welcoming her in a tight hug. -"You were great, absolutely great", - she muttered in his neck, kissing it.

Manuel smiled. Hearing her saying this can make his day. 

-"Selenaa!". She turned her head and smiled to Thomas, her close friend. 

They hugged and she nudged her. 

-"I bet if you won't be late, he wouldn't have suffer that goal. You know how hard he tries, when he knows you're watching", - he said, making Manuel roll his eyes. 

-"I always try hard", - he said and kissed Selena's head.

-"I'm sorry, traffic was awful. But good game, great play from you, Thomas", - she said and he nodded, smiling. 

Other boys started to come and all waved and smiled to Selena. 

-"Should I be jealous?", - Manuel asked, looking down at her smiling face. 

-"Only for Holger, but you know that I always had crush on him", - she winked and he growled, kissing her lips. 

Selena kissed him back, not caring about club photographers. 

-"Ah, those flashing lights overwhelm me", - Marita muttered, raising her head and spotting her son and his girlfriend. 

-"Oh", - she let out, smiling. -"I'm in the car!", - she screamed, so they could hear it. 

Couple continue on kissing, so she just chuckled and walked out, being happy that those flashing lights didn't scare away Selena.


The end.

You can go and read all my work :D 

Flashing Lights |Manuel Neuer| EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now