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-''They are so in love with each other'', - old woman, who was cleaning other tables said, sighing.

-''Yes, they are'', - waiter answered, both looking at the sweet couple in front of them.


Manuel chuckled and received punch in shoulder from his girlfriend.

-"This is not funny", - she muttered, gripping his hand. He chuckled again, looking at her legs.

-"They are amazing, if you ask me", - he said loudly, smiling.

-"You're talking about shoes or legs?", - she asked, not even looking at him.

-"Both". Selena blushed, trying to concentrate on that shoe. She bought this pair few hours ago and for some strange reason, one of them was fitting her feet in a weird way, not like when she tried it in the shop.

-"What exactly is not right there?", - Manuel asked, looking down. They were driving to the premiere of the ''Hobbit'' and he honestly thought that she looks just stunning. And not to mention, he didn't even see any thing that can possibly be not right in this shoe.

-"I can't explain", - Selena muttered, giving up. Car stopped and Manuel cleared his throat, turning his head to her. His hand gripped hers and he leaned in, kissing her lips.

-"You look stunning and I love you. Okay?", - he asked and Selena nodded, smiling. His words didn't make her feel confident, but made her heart swell.

-"Let's do it", - she whispered quietly and Manuel opened the door, walking out. He quickly smiled to all flashes, closing his eyes for some seconds. His hand gripped hers and he gently pushed her up.

Selena walked out of the car, looking down and feeling Manuel's hand on her waist.

-"Look right in front of you", - he whispered in her ear, his grip made her relax. She swallowed and raised her head, hearing clicks and screams from the crowd, not being able to believe that this is just because of her.

-"Manuel, Manuel!".- Neuer turned his head and spotted his old friend, who was working as a journalist.

-"Hey man". They hugged, smiling at each other.

-"Yes, ladies and gentlemen I'm standing near Germany number one goalkeeper Manuel Neuer and his charming date. Manuel, would you please introduce to us this beauty?". Selena blushed, looking at the camera. Manuel felt proud for everyone being able to see his girl.

-"This is my girlfriend, Selena'', - he said loudly, so some people turn their heads to them, looking with interest. Selena smiled shyly, looking at the camera.

-"Well, allow me to say, that you two look amazing together and absolutely stunning". Manuel smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her to his left side. He answered few questions more and then they went to the cinema, stopping just to pose.

-"You're doing great", - he whispered in Selena's ear. She smiled, turning to him.

-"Do I?'", - she asked, honestly being interested. Manuel nodded, smiling. Thing that matter for him most was how she will accept all those flashes. He could feel her being uncomfortable, but she didn't say a bad thing, so he was happy.

-"Let's go to the cinema", - he said, nodding to his teammates. Some of them were pointing on his girl, raising eyebrows. Selena noticed that too.

-"They are just too eager to meet you", - he explained, making her relax. Some journalists tried to ask her questions, but Manuel pushed them way, knowing that it is not right time for her to meet paparazzi.

She should prepared for that and now she is not.

-"You don't deserve him, you, slut!". Selena stopped on her tracks, slowly turning to the side from which she heard that loud, very loud scream. Her eyes stopped on some tall girl, who was wearing simple jeans and coat, looking at her with fierce expression on her face.

Selena blinked, not really understanding what is going on. Manuel cursed under his breath, quickly pushing his girl to the right side. For his surprise, Selena stopped him, still looking at the girl.

-"What you said?", - she asked in a strong voice, swallowing.

Actually, Selena heard everything from the first time. She just wanted to be sure that someone could call her ''slut'' not even knowing her name. And girl repeated. She repeated it again and again, looking like she is about to just kill her. It just knocked breath out of her lungs. How she can say that when she doesn't even know her?

-"Do your job", - Manuel roared to the closest guard and he nodded, quickly taking this screaming girl away. But the way Selena's body was shaking he knew that something is not right, so he turned her around, touching their foreheads.

-"Selena", - he muttered, making her look at him. -"Remember your own words?", - he asked and her eyebrows furrowed.

-"What?", - she asked, feeling uncomfortable. They were staying in the middle of the red carpet, everyone looking at them and in this moment Manuel decided to remember something.

-"Once you said, that love under flashing lights is not easy", - he whispered and she nodded. -"But you know what? Right now, I can promise you that it will be worth it". Without saying a word, he leaned in and kissed her lips, smiling.

Flashing Lights |Manuel Neuer| EnglishWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt